由Toys for Bob开发,Spyro Reignited Trilogy于2018年上架,重新点燃了人们对这只可爱的滑翔龙的热情。鉴于Crash Bandicoot和Spyro的成功,Sly Cooper也应该重启的思路似乎显而易见。然而,至少在近期内,这似乎并不在计划之中。在Sucker Punch最近的网站上发布的一篇文章中,它确认目前没有计划重新访问Sly Cooper或Inf...
Sly Cooper应该成为PlayStation 6上的《Ratchet and Clank》之于PlayStation 5的类似存在 即便最近几年没有推出重大新作,狡猾的考珀(Sly Cooper)依然稳居最经典的PlayStation系列之一。虽然Sucker Punch目前可能正专注于《对马岛之鬼2》(Ghost of Tsushima 2),但狡猾的考珀应该回归主流,而PlayStation 6可能是它...
but we wanted to make sure to throw him a birthday party in style. We kicked off the celebration earlier this week with The Sly Collection, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, and Bentley’s Hackpackjoining the Classics Catalog for Premium members on PlayStation Plus*. Beyond that, today we’re ...
《斯莱克库珀》的古埃及计划落空了,但《战神》正在接手 Sly Cooper: 时光大盗开启新篇章 《Sly Cooper》系列是许多陷入困境的伟大特许经营权之一。该系列由Sucker Punch开发,是2000年代初登上平台的几个以吉祥物为中心的标志性系列之一。在Sanzaru接手后,该系列获得了第四部主线作品,而《Sly Cooper:时光盗贼》以...
Sorry Sly-Cooper fans, but it looks like were going to have to wait to enjoy Sony’s next triple A platforming title. Sony has officially stated that Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is going to be delayed to 2013 at today’s Gamescom Press Conference. Reason for the delay was not ...
Sly Cooper: Shadows in Time (not to be confused with Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time) would’ve potentially been a game for the PSP. The pair talked to Sony about a game where Sly would travel through time meeting his ancestors and going up against a time anomaly that looks like an evil ...
Sony has released a new trailer for Sly Cooper: Thieves in time.Posted By Kartik Mudgal | On 05th, Feb. 2013Facebook Twitter RedditSly Cooper: Thieves in Time is scheduled to launch on the PS3 in Europe on March 27, and comes out in the US today....