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mega jump over to the piece of land where the job "Beginning of the End" ended. Now you can explore the island even more than Sly because of the ability to mega jump. You can visit the Cooper Vault entrance, the Cooper gang's pirate ship, and even the tower that leads to Dr. M'...
Each edition of the Sly Cooper 3 Statue can be posed with either his cane in front of him or...
以世代相传的狸猫怪盗 Cooper 为主角,在这里要与非常强大的恶人,并且获得各种宝物,在画面上会比前代更加的高清化,从人物上来看非常的卡通,舞台更加的奇特多变,游戏中还有与女狐狸警探白热化的对战,精彩不容错过。 媒体评测 PS2 83 《狡狐大冒险 3:侠盗荣誉 》的短评 (暂无) ...
You can't escape me, Raccoon! ― Carmelita to Sly, as he escapes her in Paris[src] Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox is a female Fox. She is a member of INTERPOL and is almost always in constant pursuit of the Cooper Gang, and therefore Sly Cooper, who vie
Sly Cooper..说起狡狐大冒险也算是个有年头的系列了,上一作出在了PS3发布的前一年所以这一座是登录PS3的第一作也有可能是最后一作据大家所知狡狐1~3都是由无名英雄系列的Sucker Punch开发的但是这一作是由
joystick Platforms PS3 play_circle Videos Gameplay open_in_new Reviews open_in_new Add-ons & Bundles 其他版本 notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide PS3 Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time --The Bentley's Hackpack Full Game $3.90 浏览...
以世代相传的狸猫怪盗 Cooper 为主角,在这里要与非常强大的恶人,并且获得各种宝物,在画面上会比前代更加的高清化,从人物上来看非常的卡通,舞台更加的奇特多变,游戏中还有与女狐狸警探白热化的对战,精彩不容错过。 媒体评测 PS2 83 《狡狐大冒险 3:侠盗荣誉 》的短评 (暂无) ...
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time: Directed by Roque Ballesteros, Chris Borders, Jenny Huang, Grady Hunt, Alan Lau, Brad Rau, Bill Spence, Sean Kelly, Satoshi Komuro, Michael L. Mumbauer. With Kevin Miller, Matt Olsen, Chris Murphy, Grey Griffin. As the pages
3 cast members NameKnown for Ian James Corlett Sly Cooper (voice) Dragon Ball Z(1996) Matt Olsen Bentley (voice) Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus(2002) Chris Murphy Murray (voice) Sly 2: Band of Thieves(2004) MOVIEmeter Members only ...