经典的偷窃冒险体验。 游戏主角就是狡猾的 Cooper,他因偶然的机会得知自己的家族世代以盗贼为职业,而他是他们家族的最后一名幸存者。由此他开始了狩猎世界各地记载家族历史的古籍之旅。 - 带领 Sly 勇闯屋檐追逐战,并且试图避开警卫 - 闪躲探照灯、警报器和红外线雷射 ...
Latest on Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 2 Sorry, There's Probably No New Sly Cooper Game Coming Soon Sucker Punch seems to be working on something else. 1 Sly Cooper Celebrates 20 Years With Art Prints, Merch, And More There's still no new game in development, though. 2 Sucker ...
体验原本推出于 PlayStation®2 主机的《Sly Cooper™ and the Thievius Raccoonus》,本作在多方面获得增强,不仅提升渲染效能,也新增了回转、快速存档和自订影像滤镜等多项功能。 类型:平台动作,益智解谜,冒险 视角:第三人称视角 版本:发行版本 移植
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time: Directed by Roque Ballesteros, Chris Borders, Jenny Huang, Grady Hunt, Alan Lau, Brad Rau, Bill Spence, Sean Kelly, Satoshi Komuro, Michael L. Mumbauer. With Kevin Miller, Matt Olsen, Chris Murphy, Grey Griffin. As the pages
Return to Monkey Island (Original Video Game Soundtrack) 2023年 Broken Age (Original Soundtrack) Broken Age (Original Soundtrack) 2015年 你可能也喜欢 A Hat in Time (B-Side Soundtrack) A Hat in Time (B-Side Soundtrack) Pascal Michael Stiefel Tooth and Tail Tooth and Tail Austin Win...
Return to Monkey Island (Original Video Game Soundtrack) 2023年 Broken Age (Original Soundtrack) Broken Age (Original Soundtrack) 2015年 你可能也喜欢 A Hat in Time (B-Side Soundtrack) A Hat in Time (B-Side Soundtrack) Pascal Michael Stiefel Metal Slug Tactics (Original Game Soundtra...
狡狐大冒险 4:岁月神偷Sly 4 / Sly 4 / Sly Cooper: Chasing Time / Sly Cooper: Jagd durch die Zeit / Sly Cooper: Ladri nel Tempo / Sly Cooper: Voleurs à travers le temps / Sly Cooper: Złodzieje w czasie / Sly Cooper: ПрыжокВоВремениSly Cooper: Thieves in Time...
Feb 27, 20250. 2025 joystickPlatforms PS3 play_circleVideos Gameplayopen_in_newReviewsopen_in_new Add-ons & Bundles DEMO notificationsAlertfavoriteLikeadd_circleTo Libvisibility_offHide PS3Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time --The Bentley's Hackpack DemoFree ...
Sly Cooper and the Thievius RaccoonusScore: 98% ESRB: Everyone Publisher: SCEA Developer: Sucker Punch Media: DVD/1 Players: 1 Genre: Platformer/ Action Graphics & Sound: The promising demo we saw at E3 is all grown up, and it has turned into one hell of a cool game! Yeah, there ...
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