SLXg DIAG runs on any PC with Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0+. Screen resolution of 800x600 or greater is recommended. You must connect one of the receiver's two ports to a COM port on your computer. If you don't have SLXg DIAG, you can download it from our website at http://... 更新标题 安全更新 更新详情 Release Notes - Hive - Version 4.0.0-alpha-1 Sub-task [HIVE-5312] - Let HiveServer2 run simultaneously in HTTP (over thrift) and Binary (normal thrift transpo...
to operate inS.cerevisiae, the Slx5–Slx8 complex29,30and the Uls1 protein31,32. Mutations inSLX5andSLX8result in slow growth or lethality in combination with components of the SUMO metabolic pathway33highlighting its role in regulating sumoylated proteins. TheSLX5andSLX8genes were originally iden...