了解使用面向第三代 Pregius 成像器的索尼全新 SLVS-EC 接口标准。Loading... 订阅AMD 的最新动态 Weixin Weibo Bilibili Subscriptions 公司 关于AMD 管理团队 企业责任 就业机会 联系我们 新闻与活动 新闻中心 活动 博客 媒体库 AMD 社区 支持论坛 开发者 Red Team 社区 合作伙伴 AMD 合作伙伴中心 授权经销商 ...
高速接口 SLVS-EC™ 概述 SLVS-EC(Scalable Low Voltage Signaling with Embedded Clock)是索尼半导体解决方案集团开发的适用于高像素高速图像传感器的高速接口协议。通过这种简单的协议能够轻松地构建相机系统。此外,由于该接口采用了嵌入式时钟,所以非常适合需要高速、较少通道数量和远距离传输的应用场景。索尼拥有多种...
SLVS-EC接口支持RAW8/RAW10/RAW12/RAW14/RAW16数据格式,对于每个Lane而言,传输的像素数必须是4的整数倍。 SLVS-EC接口可以传输“Embedded Data”,用于传输自定义数据、寄存器值等等这些,在标准里面并未对“Embedded Data”的具体内容和格式进行定义。和像素数据不同的是,此类数据不能从发送错误中恢复,接收端通过帧...
SLVS-EC is Sony's high-speed interface for next-generation high-resolution CMOS image sensors. Thisstandard is tolerant of lane-to-lane skew because of embedded clock technology Features and Benefits The IP supports speed up to 4.752 Gbps. ...
The SLVS-EC RX IP Core Evaluation Kit from FRAMOS provides a ready-to-use hardware and software environment. It supports evaluation and demonstrates, based on an exemplary and fully documented image pipeline, the integration of the SLVS-EC RX IP Core into a typical camera design. ...
Sony’s SLVS-EC Standard Everything you need to know to get started with Sony’s new SLVS-EC interface standard for 3rd generation Pregius imagers and beyond. Loading... View More
1,sensor 这里用的是索尼的产品,具备 8 路 slvs-ec 通道,速率 2.304Gbps,对于 sensor 的电路设计,重点关注电源及电源上、下电时序控制,电源电路特别注意电源芯片的选型。 2,fpga 在接收到 slvs-ec 的数据后,sensor 默认开启 ecc,因此数据中会每隔 224 字节携带 4 字节校验码,我们根据需要来使用或者不用这 4...
SLVS-EC Transmitter core is compliant with standard SLVS_EC specification as 2.0. Through its compatibility, it provides a simple interface to a wide range of low-cost devices. SLVS-EC Transmitter IIP is proven in FPGA environment. The host interface of the SLVS-EC can be simple interface or...
设计一个4LanesSLVS-EC桥接到2组4lanes MIPI DPHY接口的电路模块: (1)CMOS芯片:IMX537-AAMJ-C,输出4lanes SLVS-EC 4.752Gbps Lane速率; (2)FPGA:高云GW5AT-LV15MG132C1/I0; (3)输出:MIPI D-PHY4lanes 2.5Gbps一组+MIPI D-PHY 2.0Gbps一组,左右画幅输出; ...
SLVS-EC Receiver core is compliant with standard SLVS_EC specification as 2.0. Through its compatibility, it provides a simple interface to a wide range of low-cost devices. SLVS-EC Receiver IIP is proven in FPGA environment. The host interface of the SLVS-EC can be simple interface or can...