The invention is directed to reactor systems, apparatus, and processes which are useful for conducting chemical reactions that may be effected in a three phase slurry system. One particular application of the invention converts synthesis gas (syngas) into hydrocarbons. Syngas is comprised of carbon ...
The characteristic of gas-liquid mass transfer in slurry bubble column reactor(SBCR) is reviewed. 本文总结了有关浆态鼓泡床反应器气液传质特性的研究成果。 更多例句>> 3) three-phase slurry column 三相浆态鼓泡床4) slurry bubble column 浆态鼓泡塔5...
网络释义 1. 鼓泡浆液反应器 鼓泡反应器,bubbling... ... ) bubble column reactor 鼓泡塔反应器 )bubble column slurry reactor鼓泡浆液反应器...|基于 1 个网页 2. 鼓泡浆态反应器 浆态鼓泡塔,slurry bubble... ... )bubble column slurry reactor鼓泡浆态反应器) three-phase slurr...
Reactant (CO and H 2 ) concentration and conversion profiles were determined as a function of axial distance for the Fischer-Tropsch reaction in a slurry bubble column reactor. Model equations were developed from the basic concepts, i.e., conservation of mass and momentum, and combined with ...
1. Investigation of heat transfer with an immersed heating element in a bubble column slurry reactor; 鼓泡浆态反应器中浸没表面的传热研究2) bubble column slurry reactor 鼓泡浆液反应器 1. In order to promote mass transfer and realize products separation from slurry,reaction performance of CuCr/...
Mass transfer in a slurry bubble column reactor was examined. A theoretical correlation for liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient was developed using a combination of Higbie's penetration theory and the Einstein-Li periodic viscous sublayer model. The proposed correlation predicts that the liquid-...
The characteristic of gas-liquid mass transfer in slurry bubble column reactor(SBCR) is reviewed. Effects such as pressure,temperature,superficial gas velocity,character of liquid, solid concentration and its characteristic on the characters of mass transfer are discussed in detail. Moreover, the mass...
are proposed to predict .口values for H2 and CO in liquid pu raf l~n/solid particles slurry bubble column reactor s. K eyw ords gas-liquid m删 tra n sfer,high temperature,high pressure,slurr y bubble c o lum n 1 IN TR o D U C TIo N Because of the lim itation of the world...
The present invention relates to a stage-separable cooling apparatus for removing reaction heat from an FT slurry bubble column reactor so as to be capable of controlling the temperature of reaction heat generated when synthesis gas produced by a coal gasifier reacts with a catalyst. The reactor ...
The major technical objectives of this program are threefold: (1) to develop the design tools and a fundamental understanding of the fluid dynamics of a slurry bubble column reactor to maximize reactor productivity, (2) to develop the mathematical reactor design models and gain an understanding of...