SLURM_NTASKS > SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE: Slurm doesn't let you schedule the job and raises an error SLURM_NTASKS < SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE: Lightning thinks there areSLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODEdevices but the job only runs onSLURM_NTASKSdevices. Example scripts: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --ntasks=1...
environ['SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE']) self.is_slurm_managing_tasks = self.nb_slurm_tasks == self.nb_requested_gpus except Exception: # likely not on slurm, so set the slurm managed flag to false self.is_slurm_managing_tasks = False Contributor Author neggert commented Aug 12, 2019 Okay,...
科研利器】slurm作业调度系统(一),今天我们继续对如何用slurm提交批处理任务以及使用 sinfo、squeue、...