1.清除缓存 hash -r2.查看版本是否正确(slurmd、slurmdbd、slurmctld版本保持一致) slurmd -V3.若不正确,查看可执行文件路径, which slurmd # 或 ls -l /usr/sbin/slurmctld4.更新可执行文件路径软链接(将21.…
slurm报错:slurm_load_partitions: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received 1.清除缓存hash -r 2.查看版本是否正确(slurmd、slurmdbd、slurmctld版本保持一致)slurmd -V 3.若不正确,查看可执行文件路径,which slurmd # 或 ls -l /usr/sbin/slurmctld 4.更新可执行文件路径软链接(将21.08.8换为你的版本)...
(2)slurm_load_partitions: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received客户端sinfo查看时出现x上面错误,一般是时间不一致,可用date查看时间日期。解决:节点时间未同步,安装NTP后,启动ntpd服务即可。 三、openssl源码安装 1、下载安装openssl (1)查看openssl版本 1 openssl version (2)下载相应版本openssl 下载地址:...
slurm报错:Slurm accounting storage is disabled slurm报错:slurm_load_partitions: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received slurm多版本问题(适用于源码安装) 可能不适用与所有人,最后祝大家顺顺利利。
认证没通过, 搞了许久。 slurm_load_jobs error: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received token失效了 Invalid account or account/partition combination specified 只有root用户可以运行作业。 请求失效,因为参数格式 Confluence Slurm Rest API 在此对上述的问题进行记录...
17.151272 2022] [wsgi:error] [pid 32:tid 139999346300672] File "pyslurm/pyslurm.pyx", line 1950, in pyslurm.pyslurm.job.get (pyslurm/pyslurm.c:26939) [Fri Jan 14 14:21:17.151280 2022] [wsgi:error] [pid 32:tid 139999346300672] ValueError: ('Zero Bytes were transmitted or received',...
sinfo: error: slurm_receive_msg: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received slurm_load_partitions: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received 解决办法: #查看时间 date ##手动修改时间 date -s 15:26:45 ##查看修改的时间 date ##时间生效 hwclock -w ...
slurm_load_jobs error: Socket timed out on send/recv operation We also see the following errors: slurm_load_jobs error: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received srun: error: Unable to allocate resources: Zero Bytes were transmitted or
> slurm_load_jobs error: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received > > srun: error: Unable to allocate resources: Zero Bytes were transmitted or > received > > > > sdiag output is below. Does it show an abnormal number of RPC calls by the ...