● Your feedback on slurmrestd matters to us and helps us with the future roadmap. Intro to slurmrestd What is the Slurm REST API? Short answer: Slurm without command line What is the Slurm REST API? ● Slightly longer answer: ○ Allows users to query Slurm via HTTP requests (AKA ...
In this post we’ll show you how to programmatically submit and monitor jobs using the open-source Slurm REST API. This allows ParallelCluster to be integrated into an automated system via API calls. For example, this could mean that whenever a genome sample is read from a sequencer, it’...
Breadcrumbs slurm-rest-api /slurmapi / slurmapi.py Latest commit rian bogle Add returning state to history 11be791· Jan 12, 2017 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 30 lines (25 loc) · 671 Bytes Raw from flask_restful import Resource, reqparse import pyslurm import pwd...
Slurm REST API架构(rest_auth/jwt) 通过上图,我们可以简单的理解到,s在slurm集群内部的通信方式主要是采用Munge实现的,它们都属于Munge边界,而slurm的控制daemon和slurmdbd 进程在横向上又与slurmrestd作为一个整体,采用的AuthAltTypes边界,即JWT认证方式认证的。 部署步骤 slurmrestd整体配置过程如下所示: ...
还可以启用slurmrestd(Slurm REST API Daemon)服务(非必需),该服务可以通过REST API与Slurm进行交互,所有功能都对应的API。用户工具包含 srun 运行作业、 scancel 终止排队中或运行中的作业、 sinfo 查看系统状态、 squeue 查看作业状态、 sacct 查看运行中或结束了的作业及作业步信息等命令。 sview 命令可以图形化...
git clone git@github.com:rbogle/slurm-rest-api.git /opt Then setup a virtualenv or conda env with the following: conda create -p /opt/conda/envs/slurm_rest_api python=2.7 source activate /opt/conda/envs/slurm_rest_api conda install flask conda install -c conda-forge flask-restful fla...
The Slurm REST API is an HTTP server and all general possible precautions for security of any web server should be applied. As these precautions are site specific, it is highly recommended that you work with your site's security group to ensure all policies are enforced at the proxy before ...
slurm的REST API守護進程,提供了一種通過REST API與slurm進行互動的方式,可以實現slurm的所有功能。slurmrestd是可選的,也可以通過命令列工具與slurm進行互動。 1. 環境準備 1.1 安裝ack-slurm-operator組件 確認已安裝的ACK叢集版本為v1.26及以上。具體操作,請參見建立GPU叢集、...
4.slurmrestd服务,通常运行于master节点,用来提供REST API与Slurm进行交互 2.虚拟机的安装与配网 准备至少两台虚拟机来分别模拟master和compute节点即可 3.slurm的安装与部署3.1 环境与版本 3.2 安装前的准备工作3.2.1 节点信息一览 3.2.2 修改节点hosts
4.slurmrestd服务,通常运行于master节点,用来提供REST API与Slurm进行交互 2.虚拟机的安装与配网 可以参考本人专栏文章:https://www.ctyun.cn/developer/article/353763363754053 准备至少两台虚拟机来分别模拟master和compute节点即可 3.slurm的安装与部署