num_status,num_result=commands.getstatusoutput("rpm -qa |grep gpfs|wc -l") if (num_result<5): print "RPM packages check failed!" sys.exit() print "Done." #获取节点信息,该处需用户输入 node_dict={} host_all=[] def get_nodes(): while True: node=raw_input("""Input node's info...
Rather than running the health check program on all nodes at the same time, cycle through running on all compute nodes through the course of the HealthCheckInterval. May be combined with the various node state options. IDLE Run on nodes in the IDLE state. NONDRAINED_IDLE Run on nodes ...
systemctl status slurmctld.service 验证 # sinfoPARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES STATE NODELIST debug* up infinite 1 idle gczxagenta2,rabbitmq-node1# srun -N2 -l /bin/hostname0: gczxagenta2 1: rabbitmq-node1 巨多的坑 fatal error: EXTERN.h :执行 yum -y install perl-devel一般可以解决 ...
DbdHost: The name of the machine where the Slurm Database Daemon is executed. This should be a node name without the full domain name (e.g. "lx0001"). This defaults tolocalhostbut should be supplied to avoid a warning message.
NodeName=fz State=UNKNOWN Sockets=2 CoresPerSocket=8 CPUs=16 修改slurmdbd.conf vim /opt/slurm/21.08.6/etc/slurmdbd.conf ###以下为修改内容### DbdHost=fz #SlurmUser=slurm //把这一行注释掉,一定要把这一行注释掉 StorageLoc=slurm_fz_...
$SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE"echo"Allocated GPUs:$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"echo"Memory:$SLURM_MEM_PER_NODEMB"echo"Current PATH:$PATH"ls /usr/local/exportPATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATHexportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH# Display NVIDIA GPU statusnvidia-smi# Show details...
track_status =0; }else{ track_status =1; }#endifreturnSLURM_SUCCESS; } 開發者ID:dinesh121991,項目名稱:Backup-M2R-Intern-Bull-Slurm-Codes,代碼行數:35,代碼來源:task_cray.c 示例13: _get_nb_cpus ▲點讚 1▼ /* This _get_nb_cpus function is greatly inspired from the Job_Size calculation...
systemctl status munge#查看是否正常启动 三、安装并配置记账数据库 从Slurm官网上的说明来看支持MySQL和MariaDB,本文以MariaDB 10.4为例。先进入MariaDB官网 选择相应的版本和系统,选择软件源位置,中国的软件源有两个:一个是阿里...
See “systemctl status slurmd.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details. 查看/var/log/munge/munged.log Error: Failed to check pidfile dir “/var/run/munge”: cannot canonicalize “/var/run/munge”: Permission denied 查看/var/run的用户权限 ...