Women plays a pivot role in the family and society throughout the different phases of her life, of which the period of adolescence is the most important. This cross sectional study is carried out in a slum area of Jobra, Cuttack Town, Orissa from April, 2014 to April 2015, to find out...
The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of depression among the older adults in the urban slums of India and to study the factors associated with it. Methods: This was a community based analytical cross-sectional study conducted in Urban Field Practice Area of a tertiary ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of depression among the older adults in the urban slums of India and to study the factors associated with it. Methods: This was a community based analytical cross-sectional study conducted in Urban Field Practice Area of a tertiary ...
It was not possible by the investigator to find out the status of both languages Hindi as well English ,therefore, a need was felt by the investigators to find out the actual status of communication skill in English language in NCR, especially in Dist. Ghaziabad. Statement of the Problem ...
Depression among elderly is an important health issue of this area. Psychological intervention need to be provided for all elderly persons especially at the time of being diagnosed with any kind of illness. Strategies should be targeted to the females. The stressful life events need to be ...
Firstly, they had to live in a slum area; secondly, they, their children, or their parents must have visited a private or a public hospital in the last two years. Informants were initially recruited through personal contacts of one of the co-authors. Then, snowball sampling allowed us to...
As patient income data were not available, we used the residential area to which each patient belonged, in the form of address, pin code, or ward, as a proxy for the patient's socio-economic status. Out of three selected residential areas (Table 4), Wadaj/Vadaj represented the BOP ...