Rain World Slugcat Pets - 1.3.3 FEATURES • 8 new pets inspired by the slugcats from Rain World • Slugcats have custom gifts, inspired loosely by the objects found in Rain World • Slugcats have hat compatibility! Thanks to Hats On Pets Plus by Syma. • Option to also retexture...
Hollow Knight, Rain World, Blasphemous and more Nevertheless, it is a singular piece of work. It has both some of the best rain in games and one of the best cats in games. Its harsh and fascinating world has stayed with me in a way few games do. I some...
相关游戏:Rain World 相关mod:Fancy Slugcats/Custom tail/Custom Assets/Custom spirit loader/On Top Of Terrain Hand Fix/Config Machine 一个关于如何制比较简单的蛞蝓猫皮肤视频,感谢文档作者dela提供的教程。 2022.1.29编辑:片尾增添关于新的贴图加载mod:Custom spirit loader的说明,提供一个更加便捷的修改贴图...
【moar slug..前几天为了玩干旱回退了版本,想着既然都回退了不如多下载几个mod,然后在1.5版本mod中发现了moar slugcats dating sim,wow!!!楼主虽然翻译了它的2.0版(?)但我还没玩
相关游戏:Rain World 相关mod:Fancy Slugcats/Custom tail/Custom Assets/Custom spirit loader/On Top Of Terrain Hand Fix/Config Machine 一个关于如何制比较简单的蛞蝓猫皮肤视频,感谢文档作者dela提供的教程。 2022.1.29编辑:片尾增添关于新的贴图加载mod:Custom spirit loader的说明,提供一个更加便捷的修改贴图...
Rain Worldtakes place on a harsh, desolate alien planet where creatures are forced to hibernate to avoid the deadly torrents of rain that regularly pound the surface. When things finally dry up, those creatures head out for food. As the adorable, slithering slugcat — which gets its name fro...
The blue dragon may be too weak to resist the ocean's current, but it can take on a Portuguese man o'war and even steal its venom.
如果未安装 More Slugcats,则某些值将不存在。其他模组可能会为这些添加用途。采用枚举的要素通常会忽略无效值。 玩家特性(功能) "color"(颜色) color 实例:"color": "6B12FF" 身体和 UI 元素的默认颜色。 "auto_grab_batflies"(自动抓取蝠蝇) boolean ...