Additionally, the polymer storage yield was independent of the SRT, and was directly linked with the abundance of putative PHA-storers in the MMC. The high PHA productivity (4.6 卤 0.3 g.L.d) obtained for the culture selected at 4 d of SRT was 80% above that obtained for the lower ...
Anammox could then be used to convert ammonia to nitrogen gas without any aeration and without anyorganic carbonsource. The autotrophic nature of the reaction also promises a low sludge yield. The growth rate of the bacteria responsible for Anammox is, however, extremely low with a doubling time...
Effect of reducible properties of temperature, rate of strain, and filler content on the tensile yield stress of nylon 6 composites filled with ultrafine p... Taylor & Francis GroupJournal of Macromolecular Science Part BSumita M, Shizuma T, Miyasaka K, Ishikawa K. Effect of reducible properties...
SRT: Sludge retention time SS: Sewage sludge SUPs: Single-use plastics UASB: Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor UF: Urea formaldehyde WWTPs: Wastewater treatment plants References Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been highlighted as: • Of importance •• Of...
Heating the sludge to 30°C without stirring it or stirring the sludge at room temperature had a similar effect on SCOD yield as shown on average results in Figure2. Stirring or heating the reactor with a day of SRT had a SCOD production similar to that of a static fermenter with three ...
Bacterial yield (g VSS g−1 COD consumed) z : Distance from the reactor input (dm) ε: Solid hold up (dimensionless) η: Viscosity (g dm−1 day−1) μ: Specific growth rate (day−1) μm : Maximum specific growth rate (day−1) ρ: Density (g dm−3) ψ: ...
The performance data for TS, VS/TS, TAN, FAN, biogas yield, pH, VFAs, and alkalinity is shown inFig. 1. During the start-up period from day 1 to day 40, the digester was unstable with a sharp decrease of VS/TS in the slurry. The overall downward trend of VS/TS indicated the im...
methane yieldvolumetric productivityAnaerobic digestion is a critical technology in the bio-based economy and can be applied to convert a wide range of organic substrates into methane. It can help us to come true the carbon neutrality of wastewater treatment systems. Mono-digestion of kitchen waste...
When the IR was increased to 100 % (OSA-2), a further decrease of the maximum yield YH was not observed, which remained stable, similar to the heterotrophic active fraction; in contrast, an increase in the maximum growth yield μH was observed. This unexpected result could be related to ...
The methane production in systems similar to the SLBR-UASB using grass silage as substrate is reported in the range of 0.27–0.39 m3 CH4 kg−1 VS added [9,27,28]. In the present study an average methane yield of 330 m3 CH4 t−1 VS added is considered. Box 1 Description of SLB...