Even though the C:68X is all about large, aero-shaped tubes, Cube claims to have achieved a 30 per cent reduction in drag by reducing the Litening’s frontal surface and reducing the number of wider, larger-diameter tubes. There are also six different fibre types used in search of stiffn...
robotics, and fibre-optics that support infrastructure for next-generation networks and connectivity, resulting in less travel. Less travel will lead to less pollution. That, in turn, would lead to an improvement in the quality of life. The planet will be able to regenerate and sustain itself ...
A defining feature of the new heavy-haulage vehicle’s impressive appearance is its powerful design. Both attractive and functional are the side panels on the cooling tower behind the cab, with large cooling air intakes on the right-hand side. These flaps ...
fibreConfig ports set <number to enable> 有効にするマルチファイバポートチャネルの数を設定します。有効にするポートの最大数は、MultiFibrePort ライセンスの制限および物理ハードウェアによって決まります。mediaValidation このコマンドはメディア検証機能を管理します。 mediaValidation "help...
fibreConfig ports print 사용으로 설정된 다중 광 섬유 포트 채널 수를 표시합니다. fibreConfig config <hard|soft> <loopId> <portNum> 하드 또는 소프트 주소 지정을 설정하고 하드 주소 지정이 제공된 값...
Fibre Channel, See FC-SCSI control module See ECM conversion kits, cooling, 1.4 CSC, customer service, 1.10.8 cutouts, 2.5D DC power supplies See power DEM installation time estimates, 2.6 installation tool kit, 2.7.2 measurements, 2.1.2 ordering, overview, 1....
Visualizza il numero di canali Multi-Port Fibre Channel abilitati. fibreConfig config <hard|soft> <loopId> <portNum> Imposta l'indirizzamento hard o soft e, se è abilitato l'indirizzamento hard, imposta l'ID del loop Fibre Channel sul valore specificato. Se l'indirizzamento hard è...
The maximum distances supported on a Fibre Channel link are determined by the link speed, the type of fiber (50 or 62.5 micron), and the device to which the library is attached. Refer to your switch vendor to determine what is supported in your storage area network. The typical support ...
FibreConfig 此命令获取和设置磁带库控制器的多端口光纤通道配置。该命令控制和显示的光纤通道不应与磁带机的光纤通道配置相混淆。此命令仅在 SL3000 上可用。 fibreConfig print 显示磁带库光纤通道连接的状况。 fibreConfig ports print 显示启用的多光纤端口通道的数量。
104 A.8. FibreConfig ... 104 A.9. mediaValidation ... 105 A.10. network ...