1)pamixer --unmute --increase"$delta"--allow-boost;;-1)pamixer --decrease"$delta"--allow-boost;;*)pamixer --toggle-mute;;esacnotify-send --urgency low\--hint string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume\-t400"Volume:$(pamixer --get-volume-human)"# update statusbarstatus=$(slstatus ...
components battery.c cat.c cpu.c datetime.c disk.c entropy.c hostname.c ip.c kernel_release.c keyboard_indicators.c keymap.c load_avg.c netspeeds.c num_files.c ram.c run_command.c swap.c temperature.c uptime.c user.c volume.c wifi.c...
(hint: Maildir) - Memory status (free memory, percentage, total memory and used memory) - Swap status (free swap, percentage, total swap and used swap) - Temperature - Uptime - Volume percentage - WiFi signal percentage and ESSID Requirements --- Currently slstatus works on FreeBSD, Linux...
(hint: Maildir) - Memory status (free memory, percentage, total memory and used memory) - Swap status (free swap, percentage, total swap and used swap) - Temperature - Uptime - Volume percentage - WiFi signal percentage and ESSID Requirements --- Currently slstatus works on FreeBSD, Linux...
(RX and TX) - Number of files in a directory (hint: Maildir) - Memory status (free memory, percentage, total memory and used memory) - Swap status (free swap, percentage, total swap and used swap) - Temperature - Uptime - Volume percentage - WiFi signal percentage and ESSID ...
(const char *unused); /* user */ const char *gid(const char *unused); const char *uid(const char *unused); const char *username(const char *unused); /* volume */ const char *vol_perc(const char *card); /* wifi */ const char *wifi_essid(const char *interface); const char *...