17A.6 Characteristics of sub-diurnal extreme precipitation-producing systems (2008 - 24SLS_24sls)Based on 45 extreme events, the mean lifetime of the precipitation system is 7 hours, and over the lifetime of these systems the mean precipitation is between 10 and 15 mm, and the mean size ...
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【中国移动总经理何飚:已在100个城市推进5G-A商用部署】财联社5月17日电,中国移动总经理何飚17日在2024年世界电信和信息社会日大会上介绍,将构建极致可靠5G-A网络。 目前已在100个城市推进5G-A商用部署,年内将扩展至300个城市。 并将应用无源物联、确定性网络、通感一体等关键技术,满足工业高性能、高灵活、低成本...
17A.5 Development of a radar based thunderstorm climatology for North Dakota (2008 - 24SLS_24sls)A. Development of a radar based thunderstorm climatology for North Dakota ( SLSsls)
17A.3 Synoptic-scale convective environment climatology by ENSO phase in the north central U.S (2008 - 24SLS_24sls)A. Synopticscale convective environment climatology by ENSO phase in the north central U.S ( SLSsls)