Each student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. Future student learning spaces embrace personalised learning approaches by providing resources and tools that cater to individual needs. Adaptive learning platforms, personalised learning plans, and differentiated instruction enable...
Maximize the capabilities of human patient simulators and integrate simulation into your nursing curriculum with Simulation Learning System (SLS). It's the best way to give your students the hands-on practice they need to be successful in today’s healthcare environment. ...
132 一种基于Hexaglide并联机构的六自由度风洞模型支撑系统设计优化… 冷强 Design Optimization of 6-DOF Wind Tunnel Model Support System Based on Hexaglide Parallel Mechanism 137 夹具材质和摩擦对放射性圆柱样品变形及应力的影响… 张新荣 冯丹芳 刘显坤 等 Influence of Material and Frictional Factor on Def...
In the meantime, China set up a national air quality monitoring system in 2012 to strengthen public participation and supervision in environmental stewardship, especially the smog pollution caused by PM2.5. As of now, more than 1400 monitoring stations have been set up in 337 cities, covering 98...
The system of laser sintering process monitoring and adaptive control To control the process parameter settings and to visually inspect the process quality, a monitoring system for the sintering process was designed. The moni... Y Chivel,A Inyutin,M Vatkin,... - Proceedings of SPIE - The In...
网络游戏运营的数据积累体现在多方面,从游戏用户的行为数据积累,到市场行销推广的数据积累,各种能够产生数据和数据之间的关联,进行长期持续性的积累。通过数据库或成熟的数据仓库产品,将各类数据有效规范管理,以备今后的数据体系应用。 二、观念培育 数据管理的观念在执行过程中逐渐培育,认识到数据对于企业运营的重要意义...
Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) Nursing new releases Browse by course area Apply Clinical Judgment Elsevier digital solutions enable you to bring clinical judgment concepts into the classroom and lab. Products such as HESI Case Studies, SimChart®, and Simulation Learning S...