What Is The Student Learning Space (SLS)? The Student Learning Space (SLS) is an integrated online platform developed by the Ministry of Education in Singapore. It serves as a centralised hub where students can access a wide range of learning resources, collaborate with peers and teache...
教育系统中,SLS可能指“学生信息系统”(Student Information System)。这类系统用于管理学生的学籍、成绩、课程安排等数据,帮助学校实现信息化管理。例如,新加坡教育部推出的“新加坡学生学习平台”(Singapore Student Learning Space)也缩写为SLS。 商业领域内,SLS常被简称为“销售”(Sales)。例...
它不仅可以提供扎实的基础知识,还能够培养学生的全面素养,并为他们进一步深造提供机会。同时,SL Learning Space作为一个在线学习平台,对中国留学生参加SL考试起到了积极的促进作用。因此,我们认为SL考试以及其相关的学习资源对中国留学生是适合的。
01一年级:“社区角色”SLS-GRADE1超学科主题 Transdisciplinary Theme:我们身处什么时空Where We Are in Place and Time中心思想 Central Idea:社区是成员们朝着共同目标而努力的一个共享空间。A community is a shared space where members work tow...
While she still has time to decide, Carl is interested in pursuing a career in auto mechanics or space engineering. Thailand Exchange Student Beebee Pinyotamanotia, currently in Grade 11 at SLSS, is exploring carpentry in a construction course. Involved in the construction of a mod...
Virtual reality can provide a great immersive experience, but in rare circumstances it can cause problems for some users, so keep the following in mind:Student Orientation • Review help guides provided in the SLS with VR course to learn about the tools.• We strongly suggest students ...
该平台名称为“新加坡学生学习平台”(Singapore Student Learning Space。简称SLS) ,这是一个网络学习平台,目前已经在62所中小学进行了试点。 SLS的推广将推动“因材施教”理念的进一步落实。学生可以根据自己的需要和兴趣选择适合自己的课程。 通过鼓励学生更好地掌握自己学习的知识,与同龄人合作的能力,SLS旨在帮助他们...
🔰渗透测试资源库🔰黑客工具🔰维基解密文件🔰木马免杀🔰信息安全🔰技能树🔰数据库泄露🔰. Contribute to Slsis/hack development by creating an account on GitHub.
In order to maintain an effective student-teacher ratio and ensure service of high quality, we offer a limited amount of space for students with special needs. Students with significant intellectual, physical, behavioral, emotional and/or psychological challenges requiring intensive one-on-one support...