matrix-factorizationmriconvex-optimizationslrrf-pulse-designsigpy UpdatedFeb 16, 2023 Jupyter Notebook Resilient City Toolkit energysustainabilityspatialplanningscenarioresiliencefloodingslr UpdatedNov 19, 2018 Python karthikpeddi/SLR-parser-table-in-cpp ...
Version 1.0 of SLR-PLUS (Solar Load Ratio heating plus cooling) has been developed as an advanced passive solar system design and evaluation tool. The parent program for SLR-PLUS is the FCHART/SLR program developed by the Northeast Solar Energy Center. In keeping with the parent program (and...
-+ charge-full-design-microamp-hours = <2500000>; -+ charge-term-current-microamp = <300000>; -+ constant-charge-current-max-microamp = <2000000>; -+ constant-charge-voltage-max-microvolt = <4200000>; -+ factory-internal-resistance-micro-ohms = <180000>; -+ voltage-max-design-micro...