简介:夏洛特·劳伦斯经典抒情歌曲《Slow Motion》慢动作 旋律唯美轻柔,免费在线观看,视频简介:经典老歌,久听不腻,回味无穷。 UP主简介 走两步音乐 IP属地:江苏 粉丝数:766 作品数:725 夏洛特·劳伦斯经典抒情歌曲《Slow Motion》慢动作 旋律唯美轻柔看点介绍 ...
It seemed almost as if he were falling in slow motion. 他看上去几乎是以慢动作倒下的。 柯林斯例句 Some scenes were filmed in slow motion . 几组镜头被拍成了慢动作。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 This can be seen easily with the benefit of slow motion video playback. ...
“太过在意反而适得其反。”||《Slow Motion》星光note 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多3.5万 3 3:27 App “我没有恋爱,因为不是你。”||《I Don't Have Time To Be In Love》 3.9万 -- 2:31 App 《Hey It's Me》||“快乐的秘诀是停止胡思乱想!” 2.6万 -- 2:48 App “...
slow motion是什么意思、slow motion怎么读 读音:英[ˌsləʊ ˈməʊʃən] 美[ˌsloʊ ˈmoʊʃn] slow motion 基本解释 慢动作 词组短语 1、slow-motiona. 缓慢的, 慢动作的, 高速度摄影的 2、slow-motion video disk recorder [电] 慢速盘式录像机 ...
slow-motion “slow-motion”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 形容词 a. 1. 缓慢的;慢动作的 2. 高速摄影机拍的,慢镜头的
the life was slow motion. 如果生活能放缓脚步 That we would stand still from time to time. 我们可以静立凝望,每时每刻 I wish i wish 我希望,我希望啊 we can flee flay theirs moments 我们可以凝结这美丽时光 of you and me, you’re unspoilt sea...
longer move in slow motion, and it has to expeditiously identify a solution to address [...] legco.gov.hk 我認為這是因為八達通 事件令市民深感憤怒,導致政府不能 再“ 唱 慢板” ,必 須急 於處理市民 的憤怒情緒而研究得出的方案。 legco.gov.hk I therefore fail to see why the Governmen...
The elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal.───被吸引到那里的老人们,或是成对欢愉地沿着马林百列缓步慢行,或是不紧不慢地经过海鸥咖啡店,要去往远处的某个地方。 The issues on your...
Define slow-motion. slow-motion synonyms, slow-motion pronunciation, slow-motion translation, English dictionary definition of slow-motion. n. A film or video technique in which the action is recorded at a faster rate than usual or replayed at a slower r