慢慢地蒸, 慢蒸, 减速, 降低速度, 降低加速度, 慢慢结束, 缓缓结束, 减速航行
该节选的文章主要介绍了一家欧洲船舶公司以及一位日本海运企业如何运用slow steaming来实现绿色航运的目标。 欧洲船舶公司: 某欧洲船舶公司凭借高效的运营和绿色航运方案,为其客户提供各种安全、可靠的货运服务。其中,slow steaming是该公司实现环保目标的重要方式之一。 该公司主要通过降低航速来降低燃油消耗和碳排放量。
Define Slow steaming. means running ship engines below capacity to save fuel consumption, but at the expense an additional travel time, particularly over long distances. (people.hofstra.edu)
there will soon be a need for new vessels to sustain the global supply chain. Before slow steaming, eight ships on a route from Europe to Asia and back, for example, could perform a weekly service. After slow steaming, this number of vessels needed to maintain the supply chain would incre...
商标名称 SLOW STEAMING 注册号 72448908 当前状态 已注册 商标类型 普通商标 类别 第35类 申请日期 2023-06-26 类似群 3501 商品/服务列表 3501-互联网网页式广告的编辑, 3501-产品展示, 3501-广告, 3501-广告宣传, 3501-广告版面设计, 3501-广告策划, ...
Alex Gray
网络超低速 网络释义 1. 超低速 ..., 其中船舶降速(Slow steaming)甚至超低速(Super slow steaming)得到了众多经营者的响应,成为应对航运严冬的 一… www.docin.com|基于 1 个网页
It notes that this move by carriers allowed them to save on fuel and adds that slow-steaming can have an indirect impact on rates by absorbing excess capacity. It mentions that reduced carbon footprint is one of the benefits...
Frederik Pind, MD of Maersk Tankers’ green technology business, Njord, added: “Slow steaming is not something we spend time on. We look at the hardware, technology upgrades.” Torm has taken to sending technicians onboard vessels to identify and reduce inefficiencies, said Mr Mathiasen, clai...