1-Sentence-Summary:Thinking Fast and Slowshows you how two systems in your brain are constantly fighting over control of your behavior and actions, and teaches you the many ways in which this leads to errors in memory, judgment and decisions, and what you can do about it. Read in:4 minut...
We have a pretty large project (internal, 200k lines), and this issue is pretty hard on productivity. The worst of it comes from typing new class properties. The analyzer will get stuck on these for up to 20-30 seconds. Here's my code --status and a screenshot of top memory in Act...
Slow SQL queries can also have a significant business impact, leading to reduced productivity, poor user experience, and higher operational costs. When database performance lags, critical applications may become unresponsive, causing delays in business operations and decision-making. For example, an e-...
We hope this series of articles has provided compelling evidence that delayed boots and logons can result in a substantial loss of productivity and that Microsoft and its partners are continually attacking this problem through tools like XPERF, rich performance logging and most importantly...
Related:How to fix slow Microsoft Excel and speedup your productivity. Fix Slow Microsoft Office Problems Here are the fixes to solve the performance problem with Microsoft Word. 1. Delete Normal.dotm File Microsoft Word uses template files to create documents. Normal.dot is the global template ...
<! -- Enable chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-productivity-features --> <script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "react": "https://cdn.pika.dev/react", "react-dom": "https://cdn.pika.dev/react-dom" } } </script> <script type="module"> ...
Summary: What is the best 4K video editing software? Different people may have different criteria. But if you need a free 4K video editor that is friendly to average computers and supports all kinds of Ultra HD (high res) videos even like HDR, 10-bit, high frame rate, and HEVC files,...
2020). Though chippers have higher productivity and lower energy consumption (Spinelli et al. 2012), grinders can handle more irregular shaped (i.e., branches/limbs) and contaminated (i.e., soil, rocks etc.) feedstock (Bergström and Di Fulvio 2019). Varying degrees of contamination from ...
Alkaline stress is a major form of abiotic stress that severely inhibits plant growth and development, thus restricting crop productivity. However, little is known about how plants respond to alkali. In this study, a slow鈥恡ype anion channel homolog 3 gene, GsSLAH3 , was isolated and ...
(2015) found that working from home could increase productivity. In addition, there is the potential to improve access to employment for people with disabilities (Schur et al., 2020). Anderson et al. (2015) found that there can be substantial benefits from home working, but note that the ...