Thankfully, there is a burgeoning “slow flower” movement afoot, and I urge you to join me as we use our pocketbooks and consumer influence to encourage reversal of flower-growing practices that use herbicides, pesticides and non-organic fertilizers. I hope the momentum continues and becomes a...
Hazard reduction burning, also known as prescribed or controlled burning, is primarily used to prevent the spread of bushfires byreducing the build-up of flammable fuel loadssuch as leaf litter, grasses and shrubs. Authorities routinely come under pressure to reduce bushfire fuel loads—especially ...
In a captive setting, nocturnal primates’ navigation was explored in the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius), grey mouse lemurs and aye-ayes (Daubentonia madagascariensis). Each showed varying degrees of exploration and heuristics based on their dietary specialization: the more frugivorous ...