KJV The desire of theslothfulkilleth him; for his hands refuse to labour. [新译]懒惰人的愿望害死自己, 因为他的手不肯工作. 互联网 Let a man who does not wish to becomeslothful, fall in love. 让不愿懒散度日的男人沉醉于爱情吧.
Do not be slothful in zeal , but be burning in spirit , serving the Lord . 殷勤不可懒惰,要灵里火热,常常服事主。 www.ecd123.com 8. They would do better to throw their millions into the sea than to use them to encourage the slothful and the drunken. 他们要想用这笔钱来激励那些懒汉和...
美[ˈslɑθfəl] 英[ˈsləʊθf(ə)l] adj.懒散的;怠惰的 网络懒惰的;偷懒的;懒惰人 同义词 反义词 adj. lazy,idle,sluggish,inactive,indolent 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 slothful adj. 1. 懒散的;怠惰的lazy 例句
slothfulness:怠惰;嬾惰。 slothful相关词 英汉例句 He was not slothful: he had been busy all night.他可不嬾,昨晚他忙了整整一夜。 I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.我從未緩慢, 缺蓆, 不服從, 嬾惰或者不敬. Lazy , slothful people sow poverty tomorrow.頹惰...
slothful slothful是什么意思、slothful怎么读 读音:英['sləʊθfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美['sloθfl] 托福 slothful 基本解释 a. 怠惰的, 懒惰的 slothful 网络释义 adj. 怠惰的,懒惰的;迟钝的 词组短语 1、Slothful induction 懒散的诱导
slothful中文翻译 adj.懒惰的,懒散的,不活跃的 slothful是什么意思网络解释 懒惰的; 偷懒的; 懒惰人 词组短语 1.SlothfulInduction懒于归纳 2.slothfull懒惰的;迟钝的 3.Beslothfulto take challenges如果我们一直优柔寡断 4.Sloth &slothful懒惰的 5.slothfulfactors惰性因素当前 ...
slothful [英[ˈsləʊθfl]美[ˈsloʊθfl]] slothful的意思、解释 adj.懒惰的,懒散的,不活跃的 网络偷懒的;懒惰的;懒惰者;怠惰人 更多
slothful是什么意思 音标: 英 [ˈsləuθfəl] 美 [ˈslɒθfəl, ˈsloθ-, ˈslɑθ-] a. 怠惰的, 懒惰的 s disinclined to work or exertion slothful的用法和例句: 1.Me I get, but that sloth is pretty cute. 你恨我我懂 可那只树懒还挺可爱的...
slothfulness:怠惰;嬾惰。 slothful相关词 英汉例句 He was not slothful: he had been busy all night. 他可不嬾,昨晚他忙了整整一夜。 I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful. 我從未緩慢, 缺蓆, 不服從, 嬾惰或者不敬. ...