菲律賓航空 Philippine Airlines: Serving You With Pride(自豪地為您服務) 新加坡惠旅航空 Valuair: Way Smarter(更聰穎的飛行)新加坡捷星亞洲航空 Jetstar Asia: We Put The Freedom back into Flying(讓自由在空中翱翔) 馬來西亞航空 Malaysia Airlines: Going Beyond Expectations(超乎您的期待) 南亞航空公司 ...
The Philippines, as a tourist destination, is loaded with the attractions travelers dream of: lots of sun gorgeous beaches, world class scenery, adventure opportunity, friendly outgoing locals and most of all, enjoy the rich diversity of Philippine culture through its festivities and other socio-cu...
越南國家航空Vietnam Airlines:Bringing Vietnamese culture to the world(把越南文化帶給全世界) 印尼航空Garuda Indonesia:Expresses Deepest Sympathy (了解您最深切的感受)(以前印航飛台北,很貼心的在航機飛越赤道,進入南半球時,會貼心發給機上每位乘客,ㄧ張印有印尼特有動植物貼紙做紀念。) 菲律賓航空Philippine Ai...