除了SLOAN仕龙手动冲洗阀 Royal 111,您也可能对以下商机感兴趣 德国BURKERT两位两通角座 面议 南韩R-TOTO蹲厕冲水阀型号 面议 德国BURKERT两位两通角座 面议 1834484169,博世力士 面议 德国宝德2000型外部先导控制 面议 1834484169,博世力士 面议 南韩R-TOTO外挂式感应冲水 面议 R901101698,REXR 面议 SLOA...
• Can be installed when handle is on left side or right side of valve • Installation Tools provided • No External Volume Adjustment to Ensure Water Conservation The Side Mount units can be used on standard rough-in Sloan, Royal, Regal, Crown and Zurn flushometers.Variations £ G F...
Sloan®, 3910168, Manual Exposed Flushometer, Single-Flush, Series: 111, Royal® Collection, Water Closet Fixture, 1.28 gpf Flush, 1 in IPS Inlet, 1-1/2 in Spud Coupling, 11-1/2 in Rough-In, Diaphragm Valve Design, Connection Location: To...
Here are some of them: Royal Family of Europe I have gone on a binge of making family trees lately and I have just made a family tree of all or almost all of the Royal Families of Europe combined. Here are a few of the famous people on my tree. These people are also useful as ...
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXPOSED ROYAL ® FLUSHOMETERS Before you install the flushometer, be sure the items listed below are installed. Also, refer to the rough-in diagram below.• Closet fixture • Drain line • Water supply line IMPORTANT:• ALL PLUMBING SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN...
Here are some of them: Royal Family of Europe I have gone on a binge of making family trees lately and I have just made a family tree of all or almost all of the Royal Families of Europe combined. Here are a few of the famous people on my tree. These people are also useful as ...
Sloan 智能水龙头安装说明说明书 Code No. 0816164 Rev. 8 (02/17) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPTIMA® SYSTEMS SENSOR ACTIVATED ROYAL® CONCEALED and EXPOSED FLUSHOMETERS LIMITED WARRANTY Unless otherwise noted, Sloan Valve Company warrants this product, manufactured and sold for commercial or ...
产品规格功能特点 品牌:仕龙SLOAN 产品名称:手动冲洗阀 型号:Royal-111cv Handle 在线询价 文档下载 nopic. 您没有安装flash插件,无法播放视频,请点击此处下载安装最新的flash插件
Here are some of them: Royal Family of Europe I have gone on a binge of making family trees lately and I have just made a family tree of all or almost all of the Royal Families of Europe combined. Here are a few of the famous people on my tree. These people are also useful as ...
Here are some of them: Royal Family of Europe I have gone on a binge of making family trees lately and I have just made a family tree of all or almost all of the Royal Families of Europe combined. Here are a few of the famous people on my tree. These people are also useful as ...