什么是SLN文件类型? .sln文件扩展名代表 "Solution",代表Microsoft Visual Studio Solution(.sln)文件类型/格式。Microsoft Visual Studio是一个商业的集成开发环境(IDE),是微软Windows平台上的主要软件生产工具。Visual Studio (VS)使用解决方案的概念,这是一个顶层的源代码结构,它将多个项目绑定在一个持久的环境中。
public Solution(string solutionFileName) { if (s_SolutionParser == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not find type 'Microsoft.Build.Construction.SolutionParser' are you missing a assembly reference to 'Microsoft.Build.dll'?"); } var solutionParser = s_SolutionParser.GetConstructors...
This statement contains the unique project GUID and the project type GUID. This information is used by the environment to find the project file or files belonging to the solution, and the VSPackage required for each project. The project GUID is passed to IVsProjectFactory to load the specific...
This statement contains the unique project GUID and the project type GUID. This information is used by the environment to find the project file or files belonging to the solution, and the VSPackage required for each project. The project GUID is passed to IVsProjectFactory ...
This statement contains the unique project GUID and the project type GUID. This information is used by the environment to find the project file or files belonging to the solution, and the VSPackage required for each project. The project GUID is passed toIVsProjectFactoryto load the specific VS...
publicSolution(stringsolutionFileName) { if(s_SolutionParser==null) { thrownewInvalidOperationException("Can not find type 'Microsoft.Build.Construction.SolutionParser' are you missing a assembly reference to 'Microsoft.Build.dll'?"); } varsolutionParser=s_SolutionParser.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.In...
This statement contains the unique project GUID and the project type GUID. This information is used by the environment to find the project file or files belonging to the solution, and the VSPackage required for each project. The project GUID is passed to IVsProjectFactory to load the specific...
This statement contains the unique project GUID and the project type GUID. This information is used by the environment to find the project file or files belonging to the solution, and the VSPackage required for each project. The project GUID is passed to IVsProjectFactory...
SQL>alter database add archivelog 'DEST= SLNNGKBAK, TYPE= REALTIME'; SQL>alter database open; 这个时候主库的dmarch.ini会自动添加了配置项 #DaMeng Database Archive Configuration file #thisiscomments ARCH_WAIT_APPLY=0[ARCHIVE_LOCAL1]
This statement contains the unique project GUID and the project type GUID. This information is used by the environment to find the project file or files belonging to the solution, and the VSPackage required for each project. The project GUID is passed to IVsProjectFactory to load the specific...