课件-坠落防护fall prevention-slips,trips,falls
1、Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls A Guide for EmployeesSession ObjectivesRecognize slips, trips, and falls as a serious safety problemIdentify slip, trip, and fall hazards on the jobAvoid or eliminate slip, trip, and fall hazardsPrevent falls from heights and on stairsPrevent falls at work...
PreventfallsfromheightsandonstairsPreventfallsatwork,outdoors,andathomeMinimizeinjuriesifyoudofall Prequiz:HowMuchDoYouKnow?Slip,trip,andfallaccidentsareuncommonintheworkplace.Someslip,trip,andfallaccidentscancauseseriousinjuries.There’slittleyoucandoonthejobtopreventslips,trips,andfallsexceptwatchwhereyou’re...
滑倒跌落防护Slips, Trips and Falls PowerPoint PresentationPPT Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls ;Session Objectives;Prequiz: How Much Do You Know?;Injury Statistics;Types of Injuries;Common Slip, Trip, And Fall Hazards (cont.);Eliminate Trip And Fall Hazards;Eliminate Trip And Fall Hazards (...
PreventfallsfromheightsandonstairsPreventfallsatwork,outdoors,andathomeMinimizeinjuriesifyoudofall Prequiz:HowMuchDoYouKnow?Slip,trip,andfallaccidentsareuncommonintheworkplace.Someslip,trip,andfallaccidentscancauseseriousinjuries.There’slittleyoucandoonthejobtopreventslips,trips,andfallsexceptwatchwhereyou’re...
Slips,tripsandfallaccidentsaccountfor30%ofallreportedinjuries.Theyarethe#1causeofofficeemployeeinjuries!Over540,000slips,tripsandfallseachyearrequiringhospitalizationSlips,tripsandfallsaccountforover300,000disablinginjurieseachyearOneinthreeseriousbonebreaksforseniorsresultindeath,withinone yearoftheaccident.Itisthe...
Most subway accidents result from slips, trips, and falls on stairways when someone is in a rush. The best safety advice we can give you is: slow down when you are on the stairs, and hold the handrail(扶手). Some trains are shorter (that means they have fewer cars) when it’s ...
Falls from ladders or scaffolding, even down staircases. Slips on wet or icy surfaces which have not been monitored and taken care of. Tripping on hazards left about either a public highway, even an office, shops or warehouses & factories. ...
prevent slips, trips and falls by being aware of their surroundings, practicing good housekeeping and using equipment properly. Available on DVD and video, the program illustrates common causes of slips, trips and falls and explains how to avoid them.Coastal Training Technologies, Virginia Beach, ...