slippery slope fallacy基本解释 滑坡谬误 分词解释 slippery狡猾的 slope斜坡 fallacy谬误,谬见猜你喜欢 sunny slope阳坡 abrupt slope陡峭的斜坡 at the slope扛着枪 back slope后坡 continental slope大陆坡 gentle slope平坡 longitudinal slope纵坡 north slope阿拉斯加北坡 northern slope北麓 rock slope岩质边坡 ...
【逻辑谬误Logical Fallacy】专题旨在普及各种常见的逻辑谬误,通过定义、举例和相应的练习,帮助各位更好地掌握和识别逻辑谬误,同时也可做为“外研社·国才杯”阅读大赛第11、12题的备赛资源。 Slippery Slope A slippery slope argument attempts to di...
Logical Fallacy: Slippery SlopeLatest VideosSlippery Slope is a logical fallacy that occurs when a person makes an argument that suggeststhat a single event will inevitably lead to a series of negative events or outcomes. In otherwords, the person argues that if one event happens, it will ...
The slippery slope fallacy is the error of unjustifiably claiming that a decision will yield an extreme result. As an informal fallacy, the slippery slope fallacy renders an argument unsound. Slippery slope fallacies can result from poor reasoning but are sometimes used deliberately as a persuasive ...
Universal background checks and the NRA slippery slope argument In his zeal to overcome the classification of all slippery slope arguments as fallacies, he ultimately narrows down the slippery slope fallacy until it becomes almost an endangered species. Slippery Slope Arguments More results ► ...
The slippery slope is a fallacy, says Jacob E. Van Fleet, "precisely because we can never know if a whole series of events and/or a certain result is determined to follow one event or action in particular. Usually, but not always, the slippery slopeargumentis used as a fear tactic" (...
The argument has been made in Congress that it is slippery slope if you allow therapeutic, what people people are calling therapeutic cloning, then you will get reproductive cloning. — David Baltimore 20 Once you put human life in human hands, you have started on a slippery slope that know...
slippery slope Medical Idioms Wikipedia n. A tricky precarious situation, especially one that leads gradually but inexorably to disaster:"[Without]a clear boundary to confer personhood on a human being ... we approach a slippery slope that ends in the disposal of inconvenient people"(Steven Pinker...
Slippery Slope FallacyBy: Derek Gossett and Bekah Lancaster
十五、滑坡谬误(Slippery Slope Fallacy) The fallacy of slippery slope occurs when the conclusion of an argument rests upon a...|基于35个网页 2. 滑坡错误逻辑 例2的滑坡错误逻辑(slippery slope fallacy)类比错误(false analogy)回覆Heiman 9/21/2012 5:30 上午 祈祷?