Slips, trips and falls (STFs) can happen anywhere, and hospitals are no exception. Whether in a patient room or an operating room, STFs are a potentially costly and largely preventable risk to both patients and hospital staff alike. Falls are of particular concern with patients over the age...
Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of accidents and/or injuries at businesses and workplaces. The National SafetyCouncil estimates that 25,000 slip and fall accidents occur daily in the U.S., accounting for 15 percent of all workplaceaccidents. According to the Occupational Safety & ...
The Form-A-Tread Company has worked tirelessly formulating and perfecting our Form-A-Tread line of safety products for slip and fall prevention. Designed to help prevent slips, trips, and falls due to slippery, and poorly visible staircases and ramps, our patented solutions are quick, safe, ...
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the incidence rate of lost-workday injuries from slips, trips, and falls (STFs) in hospitals was 38.2 per 10,000 employees, which was 90% greater than the average rate for all other private industries combined. STFs as a whole are the second most common cause...
AvoidingSlip,Trip,AvoidingSlip,Trip, andFallsandFalls OccupationalSafetyand Health PersonnelDepartment Itcouldhappentoanyone!Itcouldhappentoanyone! IntroductionIntroduction Morethan200,000peopleintheUnited Satesareinjuredonthejobfromslips,trips andfallseveryyear. Evenpeoplewhoworkinhigh-risk environmentsaremorelik...
PA provides a logic model for building design that considers the needs of workers, animals, and production processes. Nearly half (42%) of agricultural injuries occurred in dairy, beef, and swine production work. Fourteen percent of these injuries were slips, trips, and falls (STF) related to...
What is a slip and fall accident? A slip and fall accident occurs when someone slips, trips, or falls due to a dangerous condition on someone else’s property, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or defective stairs. These accidents often result in serious injuries like broken bones, spina...
Slip, Trip and Fall Center of Excellence Ralph L. Barnett Review of the subject of slips, trips, and falls as a safety topic. Slipping on Concrete: A Case Study Volume 29 No. 1, July 2007Ralph L. Barnett, Adam A.E. Ziemba, and Theodore Liber The ambulation of pedestrians claims ...
Install handrails on your stairs (inside and out) Secure rugs and runners with non-slip pads Hide cords and wires to prevent trips and falls If You're Ever Injured in a Slip and Fall, We're Here for You Slip and fall accidents can be extremely painful and keep you from living your ...
Slips, Trips and Falls Texas Premises Liability Injuries In Texas, injuries that occur because of conditions or activities on the property owned or controlled by others are not the easiest cases to prove. The case law often supports a finding that the landowner has no liability for the resulting...