PointerEvent 表示指针由窗口系统发送的事件。 生成此结构并将其传递给pointer-event 的回调TouchArea 元素 button(PointerEventButton):按下或释放的按钮 kind(PointerEventKind):按钮类型 modifiers(KeyboardModifiers):事件期间按下的键盘修饰符 PointerEventButton 此枚举描述指针事件的不同类型的按钮, 通常在鼠标 other...
Deprecated slint::WindowEvent and slint::PointerEventButton and moved them to the slint::platform module. Renamed the Keys namespace for use in key-pressed/key-released callbacks to Key. The old name continues to work. The style or the backend now always set a value for the Window's defau...
Deprecated slint::WindowEvent and slint::PointerEventButton and moved them to the slint::platform module. Renamed the Keys namespace for use in key-pressed/key-released callbacks to Key. The old name continues to work. The style or the backend now always set a value for the Window's defau...
Breaking: PointerEventButton::None was renamed PointerEventButton::Other Breaking: More functions now return Result, and the return value needs to be unwrap()'ed. Breaking: A lifetime parameter was added to slint::ModelPeer. Breaking: StandardListViewItem and TableColumn are now marked as #[no...
row-pointer-event => { } } Image { source: @image-url("test.png") } }"#; let (mut dc, uri, _) = crate::language::test::loaded_document_cache(source.into()); let doc = dc.get_document(&uri).unwrap().node.clone().unwrap(); @@ -253,6 +263,12 @@ export component Test...
It is possible that this event might have destroyed a component and some binding still hold weak pointer to it. Contributor Author jturcotte commented Sep 24, 2024 Maybe this helps, otherwise please let me know I could gather more information. ogoffart added the priority:high label Sep 26,...
cursor: pointer; } .theme-selector-light:hover, .theme-selector-dark:hover { color: var(--sl-color-accent-high); } :root { .theme-selector-light { display: none; } .theme-selector-dark { display: inline-block; } } :root[data-theme="light"] { .theme-selector-light { display:...
exit the event loop with a specific error saying this hapenned just print a error in stderr The Embed should know its source location at runtime to give the developer some idea on where the error came from. 👍 3 ️ 1 o
in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful.(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the ...
like css pointer-events: none;, it's useful for animations sometimesMember ogoffart commented Dec 11, 2023 Thanks for your request: There is a enabled property on TouchArea and most widgets. There is a tracking issue to have properties that propagate that would make sense for enabled #...