在你焊好史莱姆后,请用数据线插上你的WiFi模块(d1 mini)确保电脑上有安装ch340的固件,不然识别不了设备,然后在slimevr firmware tool(这是网页工具)上选择好固件版本和WiFi模块和传感器与输入好WiFi后点击continue后选择你的设备进行刷入模块(刷入时不要插拔设备,同时把后台运行的史莱姆软件关闭,不然会占串口),一...
SlimeVR has faced many challenges during the manufacturing and fulfillment, and some of them are still ongoing. But thousands of our backers already received their sets and happily use them, as well as dozens of YouTube reviewers, and thousands of members of our DIY community. It’s always ...
Mac:https://github.com/SlimeVR/SlimeVR-Server/releases/latest/download/SlimeVR-win64.zip Win在线安装器 不推荐:https://github.com/SlimeVR/SlimeVR-Installer/releases/latest/download/slimevr_web_installer.exe 对于国内网络用户,建议不要使用在线安装器下载SlimeVR Server,使用Github下载时可以将网络切换为...
The SlimeVR Full-Body Tracker has you covered. It comes with open hardware sensors to bring your limbs into virtual environments. You will need five trackers to track your lower body. More trackers can be used for even better tracking. ...
SlimeVR Full-Body Trackingis a set of open hardware sensors and open source software that facilitates full-body tracking (FBT) for Virtual Reality, VTubing and Motion Capture. SlimeVR FBT is designed to require no base stations, be affordable, comfortable and open. ...
SlimeVR是一组开放式硬件传感器和开源软件,有助于在虚拟现实中进行全身跟踪(FBT)。由于不需要基站,SlimeVR使无线VR FBT价格便宜且舒适。 它是如何工作的? SlimeVR FBT在VR游戏和其他应用程序中提供简单,有效的身体和肢体跟踪。它通过利用高质量的惯性测量单元(IMU)传感器和与PC的Wi-Fi连接而不是电线,相机或基站,...
Slime VR is a VR app of bouncy slimes. You can watch bouncing slimes around you by rotating your iOS device. You can switch to side by side mode by tapping swit…
SlimeVR Rotterdam, the Netherlands·slimevr.dev A small company enthusiastically pursuing the goal of bringing accessible VR to a wide audience. SlimeVR Full-Body Tracker An affordable, comfortable, wireless, 360° solution for full-body tracking in virtual reality...
【记录.教程】手搓S..1. 使用做完了之后肯定要实验一下好不好用的。这部分教程准确来说不应该包括在这里的,因为即使你买成品,到这一步也是你必需要做的。怎么用其实我觉得你去看别人的教程应该更详细。在SlimeVR里点向导