Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range’ where she tries her hand at making a living wrangling slimes.Includes the Secret Style Pack DLC!-Grow crops and raise chickadoos...
Slime Rancher Freezing on Nintendo Switch client: This freezing issue in Slime Rancher is an issue that is very common among Nintendo Switch players. Thus, many players are looking for fixes as well as some workarounds for this issue. Consequently, the developers are also actively looking into...
In Slime Rancher, you take on the role of Beatrix as she strikes out on her own to a faraway planet. Your task is to build the ultimate Slime Ranch, exploring this world and sourcing materials.
Compare and find the cheapest price to buy Slime Rancher: Plortable Edition for the Nintendo Switch
Fans have been hoping for a Switch port for years, now but it always seemed not in the cards. So we were pleasantly surprised when it was revealed in the Indie Word Showcase earlier today. Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life ...
Do you love playing Slime Rancher and want to play something just like it? Here is a complete list of all the best games like Slime Rancher!
Switch launch sparks its best ever sales day - Earlier this month, popular first-person sandbox title Slime Rancher launched on Switch under a new 'Plortable...
switch《史莱姆牧场 Slime Rancher Plortable Edition》中文版下载,这是一款非常有趣的沙盒类模拟经营,玩家将要经营一家农场,史莱姆是你的目标。 《史莱姆牧场主》的故事发生在距离地球一千光年之外的外星。在《史莱姆牧场主》的外星中,玩家操作的女主角使用一个高科技的吸尘器,功能强大的设备不但可以用来收割农作物还能用...
I initially had concerns with the Switch or, “Plortable Edition,” ofSlime Rancher. Fans had been hoping and asking for a Switch version for some time. There was even apetition! But word was that Switch’s processor couldn’t handle the physics of the game, so I was worried that this...
Every Slime Rancher slime Here you have it, all the Slime Rancher slimes divided into categories – basically how likely it is that they’ll kill you. For all of them, there’s the risk that they could be feral, and therefore hurt you. Anyway, there’s a lot of them, so here we ...