For unused content, see: Unused Features This page is a list of upcoming features for Slime Rancher direct from the development roadmap. There even more Slime Rancher updates in development, but we’re not ready to reveal them just yet! Look forward to g
Well-Off RancherEarn over 25,000 newbucks 5th Jul 2023 4:39:16 PM 56.18%Common Hasty ExchangeFulfill a Range Exchange request between Noon and 2 PM 5th Jul 2023 4:26:03 PM 51.24%Common FireworksShoot a boom slime largo into the air that explodes before landing 7th Jul 2023 8:16:04...
Rancher Risks: Ranchers who hang out near the Party Gordo might find themselves dancing the night away and never getting any work done. Be. Careful. Plortonomics: There's nothing scientifically unique about the Party Gordo's pink plorts. Wait, does this mean that the spirit of dance and ...
Slime Rancher to add new, glitchy world and a chicken cloner in free update this month Markmilleruw|2105d ago |News|0| ▼ Slime Rancher's next major update transports you to a simulated Far, Far Range complete with glitch slimes and new gadgets, and it will be out on Ju...
Incinerate an elder chickenCarousel (21) Shoot food into an airborne slime's mouthCatch! (11) Use chroma packs to change the color of the ranch house, tech, and vacpackColor Me Impressed (21) Constrain more than 15 slimes in your vac stream at once while on the rangeControlling the Chao...
Discover & share this Gold Win GIF by Slime Rancher with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.
Slime Rancher 评分 1000 点数 57 个数 成就列表 Plort Peddler 描述: Sell 100 plorts at the Plort Market 点数:5G | 1条攻略 展开攻略 You... Monster! 描述: Send an adorable chick to a fiery end, the same place you're now destined to go ...
Discover & share this Chicken Win GIF by Slime Rancher with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.