Slime Rancher 2 es la secuela del galardonado y popular juego original que ha hecho disfrutar a más de 15 millones de fans de todo el mundo. Continúa las aventuras de Beatrix LeBeau por la Isla Arcoíris: una tierra misteriosa repleta de tecnología ancestral, recursos naturales extraños ...
Slime Rancher 2 es la secuela de un juego original exitoso y galardonado que más de 15 millones de fans de todo el mundo han disfrutado. Continúa las aventuras de Beatrix LeBeau: esta vez, emprende un viaje hacia la Isla Arcoíris, una tierra misteriosa repleta de tecnología antigua, rec...
Slime Rancher 2 est la suite du jeu au succès fracassant et aux nombreuses récompenses que 10 millions de fans ont adoré dans le monde entier. Reprenez les aventures de Beatrix LeBeau, tandis qu'elle traverse la Mer des Slimes pour rejoindre l'Île Arc-en-Ciel, une terre qui re...
Continue the adventures of Beatrix LeBeau as she journeys across Slime Sea to Rainbow Island in Slime Rancher 2 for Xbox.
Slime Rancher 2: Puddle Slimes的寻找地点 《史莱姆牧场2》是一款充满乐趣的怪物收集和探索游戏,具有轻松的游戏玩法和放松的氛围。有来自第一代游戏的经典史莱姆,还有来自彩虹岛本土的一些新史莱姆,牧场主可以在温室中收集并饲养它们。特别难以捕捉的粘液是Puddle slime。对于《Slime Rancher》系列的粉丝来说,Puddle ...
在《粘液牧场2》(Slime Rancher 2)中,这是Monomi Park的科幻生活模拟游戏《粘液牧场》(Slime Rancher)的续作,一个被称为Vacpack的多功能基本工具回归,一旦收集了正确的材料,它就可以升级以执行额外的功能。虽然其中一些升级比其他升级更为关键,但它们对于Beatrix的第二次slime ranching体验都有一定程度的用处。
Slime Rancher 2 - Patch 0.6.2 Notes 1/29/2025 Fixed a few bugs with another patch on the way. Other News Search Slime Rancher 2 - Into the Labyrinth - Patch 0.6.0 Notes 12/13/2024 This massive update includes new slimes, new gadgets, and entry to the mysterious Grey Labyrinth. Com...
Slime Rancher 2 Early Access FAQ Continue the adventures of Beatrix LeBeau as she journeys across the Slime Sea to Rainbow Island, a land brimming with ancient mysteries, and bursting with wiggly, new slimes to wrangle in this sequel to the smash-hit, Slime Rancher. ...
Announced during the Microsoft and Bethesda E3 showcase, Slime Rancher 2 takes players to a new island with all new slimes to meet, and it comes out next year.
Rancher Risks: Most saber slime largos found in The Wilds areferal, looking to take a bite out of whatever they see. They're also incredibly agile for slimes, capable of powerful jumps that allow them to bound off other surfaces before targeting their prey. ...