The Sliding Window Technique is a powerful method used in DSA to solve problems involving subarrays or substrings efficiently. It maintains a window that slides over the array or string to process a subset of elements. Window Size can be fixed or variable depending on problem requirements. Below...
In this paper, a new technique named Sliding Window CRDSA (SW-CRDSA) and its counterpart for irregular repetitions (SW-IRSA) are introduced in order to exploit the advantages of MAC burst repetition and Interference Cancellation (IC) with an unframed access scheme. Numerical results are also ...
Recently a new Random Access technique based on Aloha and using Interference\nCancellation (IC) named Sliding Window Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted\nAloha (SW-CRDSA) has been introduced. Differently from classic CRDSA that\noperates grouping slots in frames, this technique operates in an ...
Concerning the k-center problem with z outliers in the sliding window setting, the only known algorithm was devised very recently in [23]. At every time step, the algorithm maintains an 𝜀-coreset for the problem on the current window, namely, a subset of the window points, such that, ...
In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Sydney, Australia, 6–9 October 2020; pp. 197–206. [Google Scholar] de Berg, M.; Monemizadeh, M.; Zhong, Y. k-Center Clustering with Outliers in the Sliding-Window Model. In ...