代码 importjdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.Deque;importjava.util.LinkedList;classSolution{publicint[] maxSlidingWindow(int[] nums,intk) {if(nums.length<=0)thrownewRuntimeException("nums是空的!");//创建双端队列Deque<Integer> deque =newLinkedList<>();//...
与金猪Ethan一起学JAVA 第5讲 239. Sliding Window Maximum 大家好,欢迎阅读金猪Ethan的JAVA小课堂。虽说是JAVA小课堂,但其实是梳理自己的JAVA做题笔记,理清思路,加深记忆,欢迎跟我一起学习。 今天的题目是力扣239 Sliding Window Maximum。看到红红的Hard,就知道这道题来者不善,作者本人看到之后就开始心里犯难,这玩...
Given an array nums, there is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the window. Each time the sliding window moves right by one position. For example, Given nums =[1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7...
importjdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.Deque;importjava.util.LinkedList;classSolution{publicint[]maxSlidingWindow(int[]nums,int k){if(nums.length<=0)thrownewRuntimeException("nums是空的!");//创建双端队列Deque<Integer>deque=newLinkedList<>();//创建一个结...
Minimum Window Subsequence Min Stack Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters Paint House II 参考资料: https://leetcode.com/problems/sliding-window-maximum/ https://leetcode.com/problems/sliding-window-maximum/discuss/65936/My-Java-Solution-Using-PriorityQueue ...
更新于 6/9/2020, 7:03:46 PM java 单调的双端队列 // 九章算法强化班版本 // deque中存储位置 public class Solution { int[] a; /** * @param nums: A list of integers. * @return: The maximum number inside the window at each moving. */ void inQueue(Deque<Integer> deque, int pos)...
5、新进数3下标五 进入,-1 已不在window内了不需pop,window中只有5下标为四 不需要pop任何数据,将3 下标五append入window(存放下标) 此时window为[四 五] 1 3 -1 []-3 5 3] 6 7 窗口中最大值 依旧为window[0]为下标的数 ''' Java 实现 ...
如果在范围之内,那么就和新加进来的数比较一下,更新指针。 然后看到了用 Deque 的解法。自己写了下。 My code: publicclassSolution{publicint[]maxSlidingWindow(int[]nums,intk){if(nums==null||nums.length==0){int[]ret=newint[0];returnret;}int[]ret=newint[nums.length-k+1];Deque<Integer>q=...
Fixed Length Sliding Window: 1.Strstr: Return the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack. Input: haystack = "hello", needle = "ll" Output: 2 要求找到短字符串在的起始位置在长字符串中的位置 ...
一、239.Sliding Window Maximum Given an arraynums, there is a sliding window of sizekwhich is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see theknumbers in the window. Each time the sliding window moves right by one position. Return the max sliding window....