1. 概述 在处理需要检查给定数组中某些范围的答案的问题时,滑动窗口算法可能是一种非常强大的技术。 在本教程中,我们将解释滑动窗口技术及其变体,即固定窗口大小和灵活窗口大小。此外,我们将提供两种变体的示例,以便更好地理解。 2. 理论思想 滑动窗口技术背后的主要思想是将两个嵌套循环转换为单个循环。通常,该技术...
0]])returnresJava 代码实现 classSolution{publicint[]maxSlidingWindow(int[]nums,intk){if(nums...
/*** @param {string} s* @param {string} t* @return {string}*/varminWindow=function(s,t)...
Sliding window algorithm is used to perform required operation on specific window size of given large buffer or array. 滑动窗口算法是在给定特定窗口大小的数组或字符串上执行要求的操作。 This technique shows how a nested for loop in few problems can be converted to single for loop and hence reduci...
滑动窗口算法精讲(Sliding Window Algorithm) 简介 滑动窗口算法的本质是双指针法中的左右指针法,所谓滑动窗口,就像描述的那样,可以理解成是一个会滑动的窗口,每次记录下窗口的状态,再找出符合条件的适合的窗口。它可以将双层嵌套的循环问题,转换为单层遍历的循环问题。使用两个指针一左一右构成一个窗口,就可以将二维...
ST算法(Sliding Window):A easy way to slove the substring problems algorithm template to slove substring search problems 这是一个利用哈希思想解决字符串问题,特别是关于子字符串的问题的模版 方法描述: 怎样实现滑动窗口 Generally speakingasliding window isasub-list that runs over an underlying collection...
Java Code Implementation for Sliding Window Algorithmpublic class Main { static int maximum_sum(int[] arr,int k){ //length of the array int x=arr.length; //length of array(n) must be greater than window size(k) if(x<k){ System.out.println("Incorrect"); return -1; } //sum of ...
我们维护两次单调队列,用xor的小trick可以降低码量。 【代码】 #include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>usingnamespacestd;constintMAX_N=1000010;intn,k;inta[MAX_N],b[MAX_N],deq[MAX_N];voidsolve(intu){ints=0,t=0;for(inti=0;i<n;i++){while(s<t&&((a[deq[t-1]]>a[i])^u||a[deq[t...
Does the world need another way of implementing a sliding window operation in Java? Probably not, but you do – for your self-development. Sliding Window Simply put,Sliding Window algorithm is a method of traversing data structures by moving a fixed-size window(sublist) over a sequence in fix...
We have implemented and evaluated the sliding-window algorithm by instantiating the framework with Java points-to analysis as an application. Our empirical study showed that the analysis based on the sliding-window algorithm always outperforms the whole program analysis on runtime efficiency and ...