After your old media is scanned and transferred safely as a digital copy, we will return all of your original slides to you, so you can hold on to them forever. Your newly scanned images will be ready for sending to family, sharing on social media, or however you plan to use them....
Digital Images Printed to Color Slides or Your Slides Scanned to Digital Order 35mm slides and dupe slides. New one-step upload files and order pages. Simplified and easy to do, new shopping cart is on my new website. ...
Most digital cameras also do not offer the dynamic range of a scanner, which affects the detail that can be captured in the scanned image.Scanning resolution recommendation when converting slides to digital For purposes of comparing technical aspects of scans, we often use the measure "dpi", ...
No more concern about fingerprints, creases, or color changes. Never worry about losing that box of old slides or Polaroid prints. Once we’ve scanned your photos to a digital format, they’ll always be at your fingertips. Start with a call to Two Squaresand get a free quote on our ph...
Scanned, By Hand. Ah yes, film slides – that classic medium of the museum, early seasons of Mad Men, and health class. They had their time, and a glorious, circular one it was. But nowadays, if you want to hold on to your memories forever, it’s time to look into a state of...
Sean scanned my entire childhood’s worth of photographs (over 800) in less than 24 hours ON CHRISTMAS EVE! I was expecting at least a few weeks for the job, and I now get to share them with the family on Christmas Day. What a treat. I’m so thankful and will definitely be a ...
---have all your precious 35mmslides transparencies and negativesscanned and transferred to digital format on DVD orUSB, no more setting up a projector or passing around a viewer.For highest quality work our professional Nikon scanner has a resolution of up to4000 dpito meet all requirements. ...
We can take high resolution pictures of anything small using a digital camera and macro lens. Contact us for details. Blog Under Construction.Paintings and Calligraphy NEW! We are able to paint portraits of your scanned images and do custom calligraphy. Two of our daughters, Alyssa and Abigail...
(4.01 x 5.79mm), Monochrome film, slides - Scannable Slide formats: 35mm slides - Scanned file format: JPEG - TV-Out Type: NTSC/PAL - External Memory Support: SD Card up to 32GB (Not Included) - Power ...
Using the most advanced slide scanning equipment, AZ Photo Scanning is able to offer a high quality and fast turnaround on all 35mm slide scanning services. All color or black and white 35mm slides are scanned and processed for orientation, cropping and color correction at no additional charg...