to digital service will not only preserve your memories but you will notice an improvement back to the original image quality. Using the latest color correction techniques, we ensure your slides are as high quality as the original. Family smiles will come back into focus and that Hawaiian ...
slide and photo scanning services use high-quality blank CDs and DVDs. These discs last for decades. If you want discs that last even longer, Two Squares offers 100-year and 1,000-year discs. You can also bring or ship flash drives or external hard drives to store your converted photos....
Professional video editing made easy, let us convert slides and copy vhs to DVD for you. Copy Vhs to DVD and convert slides to digital to preserve memories, then add professional video editing services.
If you have 35mm slides, then AZ Photo Scanning is the perfect place to have all your slides converted into digital format for viewing, posting on online photo galleries, printing or using in CD or DVD slideshows. Using the most advanced slide scanning equipment, AZ Photo Scanning is able...
A resource for getting digital files made into 35mm slides: 716-228-2983 or 800-736-8652 George Campos has been helping art show photographers print their own photographs for over 25 years by running one of the largest rental labs in the country. In keeping with ...
Once your photographs and slides have been converted to a digital format, they can be easily viewed on mobile devices, tablets, computers, and television displays. This allows you to easily share and enjoy your memories with family and friends, no matter where you are. Our high-quality, low...
I have a ton of slides that I'd like converted to digital. I know Costco and Walgreens offer this service but I'd prefer a more premium service if one is available. Thanks! donmacho's gear list: Olympus OM-D E-M5Olympus E-M5 IIOlympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-50mm 1:3.5-6.3 EZOl...
Video to DVD---we can transfer yourVHSvideo tapesto DVD orUSBusing professional computerised equipment. The following camcorder tapes can also be converted,VHS-C - Video 8 - Hi8 - Hi 8 digitalandMini DV We can also convert VHS tapes fromNTSCtoPAL ...
converted to digital before Hurricane Katrina. Disaster-proof your family photo collection and save yourself the anguish of losing your most precious family photo history. Let us take your photos out of your closet and preserve them for future generations. Your investment in digital photo ...
ShotCopy is better by far because it is faster and easier to use. Just load and click - insert the next slide - click. In no time you will have all those slides, negatives and prints converted to digital images using your own camera ready to download and edit on your PC to share wit...