请完成安全验证! 向右滑动填充拼图
请完成安全验证! 向右滑动填充拼图
Complete the security check Slide To Verify
Complete the security check Slide To Verify
Complete the security check Slide To Verify
Complete the security check Slide To Verify
Slider Captcha verify with client SliderCaptcha( controller: controller, image: Image.asset( 'assets/image.jpeg', fit: BoxFit.fitWidth, ), colorBar: Colors.blue, colorCaptChar: Colors.blue, onConfirm: (value) { Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)).then( (value) { controller.create()...
引用方式:npm i gobestsoft-component-slider-captcha 使用方式 import{SliderCaptcha}from'gobestsoft-component-slider-captcha'import"gobestsoft-component-slider-captcha/dist/gobestsoft-component-slider-captcha.cjs.development.css";<SliderCaptcharequest={request}onSuccess={async(params)=>{{/* 接口调用,以返...
pip install numpy opencv-python slider_captcha_match 在安装完所需库后,您可以按照以下步骤使用滑块验证码匹配功能: 初始化SliderCaptchaMatch类:配置高斯模糊、Canny边缘检测等参数。 读取背景图像和滑块图像:可以是文件路径或base64编码。 获取滑块偏移量:调用get_slider_offset函数,返回滑块的准确偏移量。
Creating the slider CAPTCHA In our second implementation, we will use jQuery UI's slider component to create a CAPTCHA. Two numbers between 0 and 100 will be generated from the … - Selection from Mastering jQuery UI [Book]