To slip out of the proper position. The glasses slid down his nose as he read. 7 Swipe A quick, sweeping movement, especially on a touchscreen. A quick swipe to the left deleted the email. 7 Slide To move over a surface while maintaining smooth continuous contact. Swipe A sweeping blow...
Astro Slide is the first of Planet’s transformer smartphones with a large 6.39” touchscreen display. Featuring Planet’s revolutionary patented RockUp slider hinge, Astro Slide reveals Planet’s signature keyboard at the push of thumb.
1. There is no need screen and projectors in 9D VR cinema. Just wear the VR glasses, then feel what you see. 2.The seats in 9D VR cinema can have 360° Rotation,fully immersive. 3. Different from shooting with real guns in 5D/7D/8D c...
Astro Slide is the first 5G smartphone with a keyboard and is the fastest 5G device announced to date. Astro's revolutionary RockUp™ slider hinge transforms the powerful 6.53' touchscreen smartphone into a mini laptop, featuring Planet’s signature tactile backlit keyboard. Astro Slide Is great...
6x6Keypad,TouchScreeninterface USBOTG,UARTs,IrDA 2MPixelcameraonboard(supportforadditionalcamerathroughexp.Con.) Stereoaudiooutput(headset) FullOMAPApplicationProcessormultimediacapabilities CSST,CellularSystemSoftwareTool,CSTT,CellularSystemTestTool ToolssupportforFlashing(USB/UART),Security,BoarddiagnosticandRFcalibrat...