we upgraded CHITUBOX Pro to make it better compatible with the new 12K hi-res printers. CHITUBOX Pro V1.4.0 has made particular enhancements for Anycubic Photon Mono M5s、Anycubic Photon Mono M5、ELEGOO SATURN 3, and
Added EPAX X10 8K Added EPAX X133 6K Added AnyCubic_Photon_Mono_4K Added AnyCubic_Photon_Mono X_6K Added AnyCubic_Photon_SQ Added HALOT-LITE Added HALOT-ONE Added HALOT-ONE PLUS Added HALOT-ONE PRO Added HITRY-Rocket 1 Added HITRY-Rocket 1 Pro Bug fixes CHITUBOX Pro V1.2.0also fixed...
CodeWeavers 我们不拘一格,我们不随波逐流,我们是软件解放者。我们极其擅长我们所做的事情,这是我们的使命使然。与开源为伴的开发者成千上万,但只有其中极少数能够让原本为一个平台设计的软件工作在另外一个平台上。我们创造了 CrossOver——一种独一无二的跨平台兼容方案,不需要双启动和其他系统的使用许可。我们...
Anycubic/I3MEGA_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/MEGA0_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO SE_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO X 6K_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO X_thumbnail.png ...
The Anycubic Vyper is my first Anycubic FDM 3D printer I used. I had elevated expectations, so in this Anycubic Vyper Review we’ll see if the expectations of quality 3D… Resin 3D Printers 3DPrintBeginnerMay 17, 2023 Creality Halot Mage Pro Review: Great Prints, Bad Software In my past...
ANYCUBIC Photon Slicer 贴士 目前还没有关于 ANYCUBIC Photon Slicer 的贴士。TitleAuthorLast Modified 重要信息 贴士均由 CrossOver 社区和维护者提供,不代表 CrossOver 官方立场。如有需要,请访问我们的 官方支持页。 常用链接 首页 在线商城 博客 关于我们 联系我们 获取支持 常见问题 快速上手 兼容查询 用户...
Anycubic/I3MEGA_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/MEGA0_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO SE_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO X 6K_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO X_thumbnail.png ...
Added AnyCubic Photon Mono X2 Added HALOT-RAY Added UniFormation GKtwo Added NOVA3D Whale2 Added NOVA3D Bene6 Added NOVA3D Whale3 Pro Added Magforms P13 Bug fixes Users can benefit from a more stable operation. In this update, we have made comprehensive fixes to the discovered bugs and ...
AnycubicPhoton Mono, Photon Mono SE, Photon Mono X, Photon X, Photon Zero PeopolyPhenom XXL QIDI 3Dibox mono VoxelabCeres 8.9 WanHaoCGR MINI MONO, CGR MONO CHITUBOX V1.8.0 Beta also comes with a lot of new features that we think may be helpful for you. They include: ...
Anycubic/I3MEGA_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/MEGA0_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO SE_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO X 6K_thumbnail.png /usr/share/PrusaSlicer/profiles/Anycubic/PHOTON MONO X_thumbnail.png ...