I am looking for assistance from someone with experience using the Anycubic Kobra 3 Combo printer and its software. Since acquiring the printer, I’ve faced ongoing issues such as poor bed adhesion, which leads to failed prints and messes around the nozz
Add Anycubic Kobra 2 Plus, Kobra 2 Max, Kobra 2 Pro, Kobra 2 Neo, & Kobra 3 by @cochcoder in #7082 Enable Air Filtration Support for BBL P1S, X1, X1C by @ichisaur in #7087 Add geeetech M1 profile by @whoseyoung in #7113 Update AnkerMake Jerk and Extruder settings to match...
【福利大放送】anycubic/纵维立方 kobra3 combo 多色换料带主动烘干的高速3d打印机 开箱测评 2613播放 萝卜沙鹰 沙漠之鹰 全功能 3d打印 模型制作 1.6万播放 还原度+1 【3d打印】tt33 54式 改进4个地方 单发功能上线 握片改窄 54滑套防滑纹改细 弹片用petg打印 抗疲劳+1 6746播放 【送模型】3d打印 做biub...
TagsFree 3D file Anycubic Kobra 2 CURA Profile for PL... Download:free Website:Thingiverse add to list order this print TagsPrusaSlicer-2 2 Settings for Ender 3 Updated 05th... Download:free Website:Thingiverse add to list order this print ...
Clarify support and filter bridge config options by@vovodroidin#6643 Fixed typo by@vindolinin#6650 Update Creality Ender-3 V3 KE 0.4 nozzle.json by@YoYoZin#6659 Added profiles for Anycubic Kobra standard byin#6660 Fix calibration tab when switching between BBL&non-BBL printers by@Noisyfoxin...
ACSlicer 用户引导 CN 纵维立方切片器 纵维立方切片器基于 Prusa Slicer 开发,具有专为 Anycubic Kobra 系列打印机开发的自定义功能. 更多使用说明可前往官方 wiki 查看,点此前往 (wiki.anycubic.com/zh/home) 1. 系统要求 Windows • Windows 10 或更高 • Intel®Core™i5 6600...
Anycubic Unveils the Kobra S1 Combo: The Future of High-Performance 3D Multi-color Printing Sponsored 3DPrintBeginnerNovember 25, 2024 FLSUN Black Friday Sale: Save Up to 50% with Unbeatable Deals! Sponsored 3DPrintBeginnerOctober 30, 2024 FLSUN Celebrates a Tremendous Success for Its 10th...
A big shoutout to @vgdh and @MichaelJLew for coming up with this brilliant idea and the early-stage prototype A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the testing and discussion, look at how many people are involved in the PR thread!
纵维立方Kobra S1 Pro与拓竹P1SC对比评测! 2799元的多色烘打一体打印机对比拓竹P1如何?这个价位对比拓竹我认为非常值得推荐,经过简单设置完全可以达到拓竹的打印精度!#3D打印 #3D打印机 00:00 / 09:20 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞1231 怼怼办公技巧1月前照片打印出来又黑又丑,教你如何快速去除黑底! #办公...
ReleaseNotes: "What's Changed\nThis is OrcaSlicer V2.0.0 beta release.\nThis update introduces innovative new features and a lot of bug fixes and improvements.- Scarf joint seam: an innovative apprach to hide seams for FDM printing by @NoisyfoxYou probably have already heard of the \"scar...