Theslice()method returns the extracted part in a new string. Theslice()method does not change the original string. The start and end parameters specifies the part of the string to extract. The first position is 0, the second is 1, ... ...
='b'){/** * Get the substring of a string * @param {integer} start where to start the substring * @param {integer} length how many characters to return * @return {string} */String.prototype.substr=function(substr){returnfunction(start,length){// call the original
='b'){/*** Get the substring of a string* @param {integer} start where to start the substring* @param {integer} length how many characters to return* @return {string}*/String.prototype.substr=function(substr){returnfunction(start,length){// call the original,...
JavaScript slice() method example h1 {color:red} JavaScript : slice() method JS Code var fruitslist = new Array("Orange","Apple","Banana","Chery" ); var newParagraph = document.createElement("p"); var newText = document.createTextNode("List of Fruits : " + fruitslist); n...
JS数组的主要方法: 1,数组元素的添加 arrayObj. push([item1 [item2 [. . . [itemN ]]]);// 将一个或多个新元素添加到数组结尾,并返回数组新长度 arrayObj.unshift([item1 [item2 [. . . [itemN ]]]);// 将一个或多个新元素添加到数组开始,数组中的元素自动后移,返回数组新长度 array...
//无参join()方法默认是用逗号连接 */ document.write("arr.join() is " + arr.join() + ""); //无参join()方法默认是用逗号连接 document.write("arr.join(' & ') is " + arr.join(' & ') + ""); /* Array.reverse() (Method) Reverse the order of array elements. Property/method...
Theslice()method returns selected elements in an array, as a new array. Theslice()method selects from a givenstart, up to a (not inclusive) givenend. Theslice()method does not change the original array. See Also: The Array splice() Method ...
1. a href="javascript:js_method();" 这是我们平台上常用的方法,但是这种方法在传递this等参数的时候很容易出问题,而且javascript:协议作为a的href属性的时候不仅会导致不必要的触发window.onbeforeunload事件,在IE里面更会使gif动画图片停止播放。W3C标准不推荐在href里面执行javascript语句 2. a href="javascript...
JS数组的创建: 1,使用Array数组的方式: var arrayObj = new Array(); //创建一个数组 var arrayObj = new Array([size]); //创建一个数组并指定长度,注意不是上限,是长度 var arrayObj = new Array([element0[, element1[, ...[, elementN]]]); 创建一个数组并赋值 要说明的是,虽然第二种方法...
*/String.prototype.substr=function(substr) {returnfunction(start, length) {// call the original,// did we get a negative start, calculate how much it is from the beginning of the string// adjust the start parameter for negative valuestart <0?this.length+ start...