昨日醒来,就被HYATT宣布与SLH达成会员体系合作的邮件shock到:双方将携手让宾客在更多目的地享受到凯悦天地忠诚旅客计划会员礼遇,通过凯悦渠道预订参与的SLH酒店,在入住时即可获得(兑换)凯悦天地会员积分与有效stay。此次合作预计于今年年底正式实施。slh旗下建于原罗马贵族卢多维西家族府邸之上的fendi private suites ...
八月,HYATT宣布与SLH达成会员体系合作的邮件shock到:双方将携手让宾客在更多目的地享受到凯悦天地忠诚旅客计划会员礼遇,通过凯悦渠道预订参与的SLH酒店,在入住时即可获得(兑换)凯悦天地会员积分与有效stay。此次合作预计于今年年底正式实施。 slh旗下建于原罗马贵族卢多维西家族府邸之上的fendi private suites 这不由让人...
Hilton Gold 以上高级会员可以享受 SLH 的免费早餐,房型升级等 之前 SLH 和 Hyatt 合作的时候,Hyatt 高级会籍没啥福利,现在 Hilton 的合作明显要更紧密一些。考虑到 Hilton Diamond 可以由 Aspire 信用卡直接拿到,这个 SLH 的具体福利还挺令人期待的。 SLH 和 Hyatt 闹...
Hyatt & Small Luxury Hotels Partnership World of Hyatt and SLH both have loyal followings, and their respective loyalty programs offer a lot of benefits. While the SLH and Hyatt loyalty programs don't have reciprocity, World of Hyatt members can find a lot of value in the partnership benefits...
CHICAGO (August 1, 2018) – Hyatt Hotels Corporation (NYSE: H) and Small Luxury Hotels of the World™ (SLH) today announced plans to bring World of Hyatt members opportunities to enjoy loyalty benefits in many more places. The launch is targeted for the end of the year. ...
在MyWay Benefits 中心也已经有会员福利介绍了,钻石会员有房型升级和免费双人欧陆早餐这两个福利。 【2024.4 更新】 今天Frequent Miler 博主 Greg从 Hilton 那里获得了一些关于 Hilton & SLH 合作的细节信息,以下是相关内容总结: 今年预计100家左右的SLH酒店会上线 Hilton 平台 ...
Overall, theHilton and SLH partnershipis a big win for travelers who love boutique luxury hotels. It expands Hilton’s reach and gives Honors members new ways to use their points. However, not every SLH property participates, points prices may rise, and elite benefits aren’t as strong as ...
SLH Club replaces the Invited loyalty program with a simplified three-tier structure for the London-based hotel consortium, beginning with benefits from the first stay. Club 01is the entry level tier for stays off up to three nights; members enjoy early check-in, late check-out, complimentary...
Hilton Expands Luxury Footprint: Details Of Redemption And Elite Benefits At SLH Hotels With Hyattacquiring the Mr. and Mrs. Smith booking platform of independent luxury hotels(which meant IHG losing its Mr. and Mrs. Smith tie-in), their partnership with competitor SLH Hotels...
World of Hyatt members receive great value in the earning and redemption opportunities and on-property loyalty benefits at participating SLH hotels, including daily complimentary continental breakfast for two guests, room upgrade at check-in if available, early check-in and late check-out upon availab...