Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app. Check pronunciation: LGBTINearby words lezzy noun, adjective LGBT abbreviation LGBTI abbreviation LG...
十分令人震惊的是,对中国女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和间性(LGBTI)人群来说,工作单位是他们出柜后感觉生活变得最为尴尬、最不如意的场所。 超过一半性少数人士说他们曾遭受歧视或不公正的对待。家庭是排拒和歧视发生最多的地方,学校和工作单位次之。歧视导致LGBTI 人士失去他们的...
The foundation was laid for a long time before this Christian Evangelicals even came in, because they also saw an opportunity; and they took it. Jacobsen: Also, there are, within Ghana, hardline prominent people who are anti-LGBTQ, anti-LGBTI. How is the fight going against those ...
在世界各地,加拿大与 LGBTI倡导者和当地组织站在一起建设一个我们都能自由生活,没有污名、迫害和歧视的世界,无论性取向、性别认同、表达或性别特征。 不管是为 LGBTI青年和人权维护者创造安全空间,或举办研讨会以支持民间社会和非营利组织中的 LGBTI 领导人,或者建立...
ánh Sáng Mặt TrờiBình đẳngCặp Vợ ChồngCâyCờ Cầu VồngCờ Tự Hào đồng TínhCon đườngCùng Giới TínhCùng Với NhauCuộc Phiêu Lưuđa Dạngđám Cưới đồng Tínhđàn ôngđang YêuĐầy Màu Sắ...
But, regardless, Pride month represents how far we’ve come and that’s worth celebrating! (To those of you considering Intel as an employer) I can whole heartedly recommend Intel as an employer for LGBT people. In my experience, the day-to-day work environment i...
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《丹麦皇家》杂志2021年8月21日哥本哈根讯.(记者:彭忠民、朱小军、KONGEHUSET)8 月 21日,哥本哈根,丹麦王储妃玛丽和丹麦首相梅特共同出席了大放异彩的国际LGBTI“哥本哈根 2021”的闭幕式活动。每个人都为丹麦王储妃玛丽的到来感到高兴,观众中有很多来自国外。来自外国和丹麦的崇拜者都要求丹麦王储妃玛丽与他们自拍和...
(유니버스, it’s the name of the fandom), thank you for making good music, thank you for always doing your best to make universe(유니버스) happy, thank you for making me feel loved, and i saw that someone gave you the lgbt+ flag and you took a picture with it so...