针对你遇到的“org.slf4j.LoggerFactory cannot be resolved to a type”错误,这通常意味着你的项目中缺少SLF4J库的依赖,或者相关的配置存在问题。以下是一些可能的解决方案,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查并解决问题: 检查项目是否已包含slf4j库作为依赖: 首先,你需要检查你的项目是否已经包含了SLF4J库的依赖。这取决...
安装了lombok.jar,但是Slf4j还是提示Slf4j cannot be resolved to a type,提示的解决方法中只有create annnoation Slf4j,没有maven导入包红邮筒 2018-12-24 12:16:04 源自:2-3 并发模拟-工具 723 分享 收起 1回答 Jimin 回答被采纳获得+3积分 2018-12-24 22:51:25 你好,pom.xml里看一下是否有这个依...
The import javax.annotation.Resource cannot be resolved Resource cannot be resolved to a type报错的解决方法 出现以上这种报错,那么首先需要看看你的jdk版本是不是最新的,我的版本是jdk15,如果是最新的(jdk11及以上),那么说明是你的jdk版本太高了,这里需要用jdk8才不会报错,因此接下来介绍jdk8的安装以及jdk的...
System.out.println("isWarnEnabled = " + infoEnabled); infoEnabled = log.isErrorEnabled(); System.out.println("isErrorEnabled = " + infoEnabled); boolean debugEnabled = log.isDebugEnabled(); System.out.println("debugEnabled = " + debugEnabled); 打印是: name = com.tes.umc.files.controller....
4 使用A日志框架接口,然后桥接给 B日志框架实现 先看一张图: 是不是有点晕, 晕就对了。这个仅仅是 slf4j 的情况,实际上, 我们不仅要接触到 slf4j ,有时候还会接触其他的日志系统。且看下文分解。 1 直接使用各个日志系统 1.1 直接使用log4j 最开始的时候, 我们都是使用log4j, 怎么使用呢? 先引入jar,log4j...
logger.debug("Config resolved to {}", endpoints); if (endpoints.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Cannot resolve to any endpoints from provided configuration: {}", serviceUrls); } return endpoints; } 代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/fescar @Override public void onCheckMessage(long msgId, ChannelHandler...
@KweezyCode You have commits that remove SLF4J altogether, do you want to take a stab at making it optional? We might be able to get this resolved quickly! I don't support the idea of bloating the software, so it's better to remove something from the library than to make something ...
much more work, depending on the approach we can choose and I don't know if that is feasible within this release cycle. The Eclipse projects should be manageable but external dependencies could be problematic. But maybe this is also a good opportunity to ask for OSGi-fication of more deps....
idea报错: 程序包lombok.extern.slf4j不存在 问题 解决办法: 原因 问题 gradle项目: ,junit运行报错 解决办法: 改成如下: 原因 参考: in a pure java/kotlin project , building and running by means of the IDE might be faster,thanks to optimization... ...
To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 0. Definitions. "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. "Copyright...