處理HANA 系統複寫時 SUSE HA 叢集中失敗的 NFS 共用 Azure NetApp Files for SAP HANA 上的 NFS v4.1 磁碟區概觀若要達到 HANA 水平擴充安裝的 HANA 高可用性,其中一種方法是設定 HANA 系統複寫,並使用 Pacemaker 叢集保護解決方案,以允許自動容錯移轉。 當作用中節點失敗時,叢集會將 HANA 資源容錯...
本文說明如何使用 Azure NetApp Files 設定SAP NetWeaver 應用程式的高可用性。針對SLES for SAP Applications 15 上的新實作,建議在簡單掛接設定中為SAP ASCS/ERS 部署高可用性。 本文中所述以 SAP 中心服務目錄之叢集控制檔案系統為依據的傳統 Pacemaker 設定,仍然受到支援。在...
Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts giv...
本文說明如何使用 Azure 檔案儲存體上的 NFS 來部署和設定 VM、安裝叢集架構,以及安裝 HA SAP NetWeaver 系統。 範例設定會使用在 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 上執行的 VM。針對SLES for SAP Applications 15 上的新實作,建議在簡單掛接設定中為SAP ASCS/ERS 部署高可用性。 本文中所...
Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts giv...
sudo crm_mon -r# Node sap-cl2: standby# Online: [ sap-cl1 ]## Full list of resources:## stonith-sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started sap-cl1# Resource Group: g-NW1_ASCS# nc_NW1_ASCS (ocf::heartbeat:azure-lb): Started sap-cl1# vip_NW1_ASCS (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Star...
The Cisco UCS 5108 Blade Server Chassis is six rack units (6RU) high and can mount in an industry standard 19-inch rack. A single chassis can house up to eight half-width Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers and can accommodate both half-width and full-width blade form factors. Four hot...
Changes in nvptx-tools: - Enable build on aarch64 --- Advisory ID: SUSE-RU-2020:2953-1 Released: Mon Oct 19 06:25:15 2020 Summary: Recommended update for gettext-runtime Type: recommended Severity: moderate References: 1176142 This update for gettext-runtime fixes the following issues:...
sudo crm_mon -r # Node sap-cl2: standby # Online: [ sap-cl1 ] # # Full list of resources: # # stonith-sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started sap-cl1 # Resource Group: g-NW1_ASCS # nc_NW1_ASCS (ocf::heartbeat:azure-lb): Started sap-cl1 # vip_NW1_ASCS (ocf...
sudo crm_mon -r# Node nw1-cl-0: standby# Online: [ nw1-cl-1 ]## Full list of resources:## stonith-sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started nw1-cl-1# Resource Group: g-NW1_ASCS# fs_NW1_ASCS (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started nw1-cl-1# nc_NW1_ASCS (ocf::heartbeat:azur...