The Sleepy Hollow Wiki is a community that is dedicated to world of Sleepy Hollow.We hope to build a comprehensive fan resource for all to enjoy. If you are looking for pages that could use some help or have any questions about the Wiki, visit the admin, NightLite and leave a message ...
Snow White (film) Disney Villains Moana (character)Sleepyhollow 维基 32 個頁面 探索 沉睡谷 剧集 社区 繁體 中文 首頁 登入以編輯 歡迎來到沉睡谷Wikia! 最強大的福克斯美劇粉絲論壇 《沉睡谷》又名《斷頭谷》,是根據「美國文學教父」華盛頓·歐文創作的《斷頭谷傳奇》為故事藍本(選自1819-1820間陸續出版...
Janina Zione Gavankar is an American actress who portrays Diana Thomas on the fourth season of Sleepy Hollow. Gavankar was born in Joliet, Illinois to Pete and Mohra Gavankar. Her father, Pete Gavankar, was an Indian engineer who first traveled to the Un
Sleepy Hollow is a 1999 American horror film directed by Tim Burton. WikiMatrix Den mest ledsna och rädda mannen i Sleepy Hollow. The saddest, scaredest man in Sleepy Hollow. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Sleepy Hollow-biblioteket har den största samlingen källmaterial. Sleepy Hollow Li...
Sleepy Hollow is a 1999 American horror film directed by Tim Burton. Sleepy Hollow 1999ko Tim Burton estatubatuar zinema zuzendariaren fantasiazko filma bat da. WikiMatrix If you get sleepy, tell me. Logaletzen bazara, esan. Tatoeba-2020.08 Are you sleepy? Logurea al duzu?
Sleepyhollow 维基 创建wiki 登录 尚未注册? 注册 登录 Sleepyhollow 维基 探索 剧情 Abbie Mills Ichabod Crane Frank Irving Katrina Crane Jenny Mills 女演员 最近更新 Sleepyhollow 维基 第一季13 第一季12 第一季11 第一季10 第一季9 第一季8 第一季...
Ichabod Crane is the co-protagonist in the television series, Sleepy Hollow. He is a man born in the 18th century, an Oxford history professor, before he joined the British Army for an adventure in the American colonies. Once in the New World, however, he became a believer in the ...
You can help SleepyHollow Wiki by expanding it. Wistaron and Wiroh Biographical Information Status: Deceased Physical Description Species: Human Gender: Male Relationships Allies: Appearances Portrayed by: Matt Medrano and Alex Livinalli First appeared: ""For the Triumph of Evil" (only ...
SleepyHollow Wiki As they returned home, Jenny had numerous cases of deja vu, especially about Abbie and Joe's deaths. She did go with Jake and Alex as they set out for the last piece which was guarded by an archer, the Sphinx. They defeated it, but it was a setup made by Jobe. ...
The Sword of Methuselah, also known as Enoch's Sword, is a powerful blade that possesses the power to defeat any being on Earth, including demons, such as Moloch. However, whoever uses the sword to take a life shall have their own soul taken in exchange